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Can i ask if this could be related to menopause . I have this bloated aching feeling in my upper stomach . Its not pain just very uncomfortable . When im walking i feel short of breath . Ive not had a period in over a year and had the hot flushes so would say im in menopause so wondered if ghis is a side effect . Im 45 .
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lynda20916 carole27374
Hi Carole, I don't think this is menopause related. You might have a hiatal hernia or something else going on. Please go to your doctor to get checked out, just in case. xx
debra16694 carole27374
Hi Carole - I am post menopausal, & last year I had a bout of shortness of breath along with horrific bloating & gas. I immediately thought the worse, but also thought it could be caused from anxiety & the fact that I was coming off a bad blood pressure RX. I did go to my allergy dr & my allergy induced asthma had kicked back in after almost 20 years with no symptoms. My allergy dr said sometimes cortisol levels can trigger it. If you look on the 66 symptoms of menopause, allergy issues do come into play, but I also believe it’s the imbalance of hormones affecting our cortisol levels causing us anxiety. Best to check it out, but know that a lot of woman suffer from it - stay calm.
Stevo100 carole27374
Hi there
I can relate to your symptoms. I started with upper right side quadrant pain when I was 42 thought the worst went for all the tests, which came back normal. One day it just went! However along came other peri symptoms , which is currently , very tender uncomfortable breasts x I’ve just started to take Agnus Castus I’m on day 3 and feel slightly better x I’m now 45 and feel I have a long way to go yet but we hang on in there xx 😚
carole27374 Stevo100
Thanks for reply felt maybe had something else going on . Kind of new there was connection as other symptoms as well . Take care 😘
maddysmom2015 carole27374
carole27374 maddysmom2015
debra16694 carole27374
Hi Carole - During my episodes of severe bloating & gas, a friend recommended I take Activated Charcoal (you can buy it at health food stores) & it gave me great relief. Now that I have entered into the world of “Digestion issues”, I always try & eat papaya enzymes with my meals & put a slice of fresh ginger in my water or eat ginger chews when my stomach feels like a garbage disposal...I feel your pain, it’s very uncomfortable to have these issues -