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Just wondered if anyone has episodes of particular symptoms. it first started with about 6 weeks of dizzyness , that cleared up. It was followed by about the same period of time of breast soreness, that went and it was a period of palpitations. Ive had gastric problems, migraines and now ovary pain, all following the same pattern. None of the symptoms over lap, just follow each other. Causes me all sorts of anxiety .
3 likes, 9 replies
sharon03238 sandra0612
Hi Sandra
Yes me too, lumpy breasts, burning mouth, pins and needles in legs and arms, hair loss, one after another, i now have anxiety, palpitations and acid reflux really bad... I'm on HRT now and the palps have calmed down. x
katyD211 sandra0612
Hi Sandra...
Every one of the maladies you mention, I have been through. And you're right about them doing a rotation, of sorts. One ends and another picks up. This is by far the scariest time of my wise.
You're not alone. hugs!! I understand 😉
susan39015 sandra0612
Yes yes and yes. Too many symptoms to list. More of a feeling like being on a boat as opposed to dizziness. Very vivid dreams every night... the list goes on. Its an awful feeling not being in control of whats going on in your body:(
sharcerv52408 sandra0612
You have described me and my symptoms this past week and today. This is madness. I hope and pray that there is relief to these symptoms soon.
amy341731 sandra0612
Oh I completely relate...all my symptoms are basically on a loop...stomach issues, anxiety, palpitations, exhaustion...a few good days/weeks and then its back to it...hang in there! it helps me to know you are all here. Everyone on here has been wonderful!
sabab172 sandra0612
I am having big time gastric issues with this menopause and going through all sorts of testing from cancer to gastritis with no real answers. When I was HRT last year, it all did improve and then I came off it as had horrible bleeding and breast tenderness. Then the gastric issues, night sweats, aches and pains all came back. I am now two weeks on a different HRT patch and am starting to feel better but not completely. The menopause has a lot to answer for and how lucky are those woman who said their periods just stopped and they felt hot a couple of times...
Tango55782 sandra0612
Posted too...with each change in symptom I think oh this is the worst one....I would rather have a different one ......then when the next one comes.......I think the wears me out.....get a few days where I almost feel normal.....never lasts long before the next thing starts.....sorry for everyone feeling the same....
sandra0612 Tango55782
Thank you for the reply, how long do these episodes of symptoms last? mine seems to last 6-8weeks and then a small break before the next one hits. Like you say each one feels worse than the last and each fills me with dread. Makes it easier to knowing there are other woman out there going through the same. Take care
Tango55782 sandra0612
hi mine vary sometimes weeks.......not alot of time feeling great but when I do feel good it is usually short lived...I don't make plans as never know how I will be feeling.......sometimes I can push myself and go but other times no way.....I do feel over the years things have got slightly better but still have very rough times.... hope you feel better soon.