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I have been suffering for 18 months now, on HRT patches, but i get vagina pain, cramps that reach a peak various times during the day, i have memory fog also. i sleep much better now at night and i dont get hot flushes, the HRT does help but the vagina pain and cramps can last all day and evening, if i am stressed it gets worse.
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louise25018 nancy55477
hi Nancy it sounds like classic meno but i would just double check with your doc as Im thinking maybe you need to review your HRT or maybe just the dose needs changing slightly.? Do you take progesterone tabs too hun?
Try not to worry (easier said than done I know!)
big hugs xxx
nancy55477 louise25018
HI Louise, thats for replying, i have had my HRT put up from 25 to 50, but i am still on the marnier coil, and i was advised to stay on it. i am taking painkillers to ease the cramps but i dont want to end up taking pain killers all the time. i am going to go back to the doctors this week to get help.
Cloutie nancy55477
Definitely get checked by your doctor.... Those cramps sound unpleasant. For the brain fog I found that cutting back on carbohydrates helped enormously... I miss bread and pasta but feel so much more alert. Oh... And cut back on sugar too....
nancy55477 Cloutie
Thank you
Beverlys1 nancy55477
Hi Nancy, does it feel like your bladder? I just did a post on the forum or is it for sure cramps??
nancy55477 Beverlys1
No, it is my vagina, i dont feel any pressure on my bladder, sitting, lying on my side is more comfortable than on my bottom,i need to speak to the doctor again.