Symptoms not found in your lists
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Thanks so very much for your lists on menopause symptoms. As I look back over the past 10 years I have experienced lots of them. It is so nice to know that I am normal!
i should tell you that I am 55 and have not had a period in 3 years. I only treat with supplements and I see that a lot of your suggestions, I am already taking since my first pregnancy, I have severe food allergies, and am still finding things I could eat yesterday, I can't today. In my 40s I lost almost 100 pounds by not eating wheat, but now that I am at this time of life I just keep gaining
I had my estrogen levels checked a year ago and mine are still normal. The symptom that I have, I do not see on your list or even talked about. I have had this symptom since my 40s. At night, I have to keep my feet in socks, no matter what the weather. If I don't and my feet feel even the cold of the sheets, it starts a flu like ache (quite painful) that travels from my feet all the way up my body and starts a hot flash along with the ache. My hot flashes always accompany the ache. It is better because I where socks, but before I realized this, I was miserable, and not sleeping. Have you heard of this? Thanks so much!! Ellen
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debbie03785 ellen75635
ellen75635 debbie03785
Funny you should mention Thyroid. As a teen, I was diagnosed with an inactive thyroid and told I would need meds my whole life for it. However, when I moved, I had to be tested for meds. and was told nothing was wrong with my thyroid. I did have it rechecked. I never bothered to have it checked since then. I am taking thyroid supplements and just recently started selenium.
wantoknow ellen75635
ellen75635 wantoknow
ellen75635 debbie03785
debbie03785 ellen75635
kimberly60059 ellen75635
yes I went through all of that. I live in a state that has really cold winters and used to shake with cold also. Now I am hot most of the time. My feet have to have thick socks on them. For some reason if they touch anything cool, whether it is the sheet or floor at night, it triggers the awful ache that travels up my body, and causes the hot flash too. I think I could handle hot flashes better if I didn't have the aching along with them. I am thankful the socks help somewhat
kimberly60059 ellen75635
ellen75635 kimberly60059
margotb ellen75635
I too am 55 and experience leg aches quite a bit, particularly at night. There really doesn't seem to be any connection with hot flashes, but they can be really painful. I seem to remember reading somewhere that wearing socks in bed made hot flashes easier to manage. So much fun, isn't it?!
ellen75635 margotb
TeresaJS ellen75635