Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

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Symptoms of hormonal imbalance

How many do you have?

Adult acne


Bone loss

Brain fog and fuzzy thinking

Breast pain

Digestive issues

Dry skin and wrinkles

Fatigue and lack of energy

Feeling depressed or overwhelmed


Food cravings

Hair loss


Heart palpitations

Hot flashes and night sweats

Insomnia or trouble staying asleep

Irregular periods

Irritability and mood swings

Joint pain and stiffness

Low libido


Unwanted hair growth

Urinary incontinence

Vaginal dryness

Weight gain

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    .....and there,s more!!! See how many more you can come up with?
  • Posted

    I have all apart from the hot flushes and periods I also have pains every where conceivable and lucid dreams 
  • Posted

    I have more than half of those xx
  • Edited

    I have all of those symptoms except 3 or 4. I have developed tinnitus and hearing loss in my right ear and a thumping sound in my right ear when I swallow. It's not popping sound, it sounds like someone is thumping on my eardrum. It sounds like the thumping on a native American TomTom drum. Sometimes it is louder than other times & sometimes it doesn't happen at all. I had vertigo in 2009 and the doctors could never figure out why. It eventually went away. I recently discovered that vertigo is a symptom of menopause/perimenopause. Now I know that I was probably starting perimenopause when the verigo started. It lasted a few months but after the vertigo cleared I still had foggy brain and lightheadedness.

    There are SO many symptoms. It is more than hot flushes for many women.

    I even get cold flashes!

    Hang in there.

  • Edited

    I think I have about 14 of those! I don't want to count how many there were in total. The most frustrating thing is, because I don't get the more common ones, like hot flushes, rather I get goosebumps and cold flashes, the doctors aren't convinced I'm perimenopausal; then again they can't find anything else wrong with me! My periods have been regular too, albeit quite close together, about three weeks apart, until a couple of months ago. At that point, I didn't have one for six weeks, when it did arrive it was a very light one, then three weeks later I got another, a really heavy, bleed through your clothes, type one. 😕 A really significant symptom for me, which you don't have listed, is a constant ringing in my ears and waves of 'fullness' in my head, sometimes accompanied by the feeling of a lump in my throat.

    • Edited


      Sounds like perimenopause to me but I'm not a Dr. But they can be so clueless and uninformed.

      I get cold flashes, goosebumps, cold shivers.

      I also have throat constriction, feeling of a lump in my throat, difficulty swallowing, clearing my throat a lot even though there isn't anything in my throat to be cleared.

      I also have ringing in both ears but it is worse in my right ear.

      My right ear has hearing loss, roaring sound sometimes instead of ringing, thumping in that ear when I swallow, sensitivity to sound/noise, hollow sound or echo sound.

      It is all so irritating.

      All this on top of all the other symptoms.


  • Posted

    I also get full headed feeling.

    I put a half a cotton ball in my right ear to cut back on sound & noise.

    If I take the cotton out there is a weird hollow nasal quality to my voice that it only in my head & ears.

    No one else hears that just me.

    • Posted

      If nothing else, it's so reassuring to hear I'm not crazy or alone in all this. Let's hope it improves for both of us soon. All the best xx

    • Posted

      I hope it does improve for us both soon.

      Take care, xx

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