Symptoms of menopause
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Hi all
Have read loads on here and can relate to many of symptoms. Mine started 8 months ago when I had double vision following stress. My parents had died within weeks of one another then my relationship ended after 7 years. The cause of my double vision was unknown possibly thyroid ( mine underactive) possible 3rd nerve palsy. It lasted around 9 days. Since then I developed night sweats waking me up 3x per night. Then they began in the day. Before my hot flush I would get impending doom as though something terrible was going to happen. These hot flashes come and go don’t get them every day. Then I developed health anxiety imagining I have something terrible. My energy has gone along with my social life. I used to be a real party animal now I don’t go out. I had to go part time from work as I could not cope with 5 days. I have had headaches, nausea, eyes ache had eczema on hands suddenly tinnitus, jaw ache, fingers ache, gastritis which made me loose 2 stone. Which I couldn’t afford as I am tiny anyway. The anxiety is dreadful I wake up and it’s there. I have tried meditation mindfulness yoga having CBT but it’s still there. My last period was 16 months ago and I’m 55. Can’t take HRT due to family history. I’m so emotional all the time just want to cry. I’ve never had anxiety like this until now. I don’t drink tea coffee or alcohol and I walk as often as I can and I went gluten free 8 months ago as I read it would help with thyroid antibodies. I’m not anaemic and other bloods are fine. Any one relate to this ??
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Aberzerk72 sharon71416
I had anxiety too .. thinking I was going to die. It’s dreadful!
I have inflammation all over my body and constant tendon issues.
It’s easy to become withdrawn when you feel like your suffering constantly.
I’ve been to almost every specialist there is all to just say your fine and not going to die.
Despite my eye inflammation, joint pains, stiffness, anemia(we all have something by our age) the most important thing is NOT to focus on the pain.
Every time u start to think about your ailments. Stop, refocus on something positive, sing, dance if you can. Retrain your brain to cope with what is new or you’ll only end up in a downward spiral.
I’ve deceloped flat feet and arthritis in my foot at 45. Though I cannot walk as long as I use to, I can’t live life in solitude.
Adjust your activities to what you can do and take breaks when you need to.
We cannot stop what physically occurs, but we can stay mentally strong
Gypsy014 sharon71416
Oh boy Sharon can I relate!! You poor thing I'm sorry you feel so bad, your not alone.. I also went gluten free sugar free anything processed free I don't even know what to eat anymore and just trying to keep from losing anymore weight! I too have the high thyroid antibodies as well as the high rheumatoid arthritis antibodies, and read also that gluten free should help, I would like to think I'd feel a lot worse if I didn't change my diet...I to have the gloom and doom and cry every day and worry worry worry, about everything it's like my brain has been high jacked, awful symptoms this menopause stuff. I'm so sorry for the loss of your parents, that's real tuff as I just lost my dad on the 16 of october, and I'm sitting on the floor of their house going through all his stuff as I write this.. Its been so stressful not with my family but a real nosey friend of theirs that just cant stay out of the business uggh driving me nuts, as this person is increasing my anxiety 10 fold . I am in cbt therapy to , not sure if it's working yet or not, but I can say it helps me stop and breathe when my anxiety creeps to a ten my therapist says get it down under a five breathe meditate and when it's under a five then push on thru with whatever I was doing, I know I'm not much help as to what to do, but did want to let you know, I'm feeling your pain you are NOT alone... Take care and hope this all passes soon so we can enjoy what is suppose to be the best times of our lives!!!
sharon71416 Gypsy014
I dread eating out as it’s a pain. I fear friends saying let’s go for a meal. Whereas I used to be 1st to suggest. I have had 10 sessions of CBT was doing better having days of 0-1 but now having 5’s again
YouTube is good for meditation and so on. Have also tried hypnotherapy and acupuncture reflexology and Indian head massage must have spent a fortune
Take care
debra16694 sharon71416
Hi Sharon - OMGosh reading your message is like living my life. I was the sole caregiver for my parents for 11 years. My mom passed in 2014 & my Dad just a year ago. Five years ago I was put on my first B/P RX, then a couple of years ago a second B/P RX. I was on stress overload, taking care of my parents, my own family, getting kids off to college & dealing with self employment. I had everyone one of your symptoms including dizzy spells, tinnitus, heart palpitations, panic attacks, swelling ankles, bloating, GERD etc. I kept complaining to my GP, who kept offering me anti-anxiety RX & antidepressants - I declined both. It wasn't until I was then going to be put on a different B/P RX (b/p was not coming down) that the pharmacist told me all the horrible side effects of the new drug I was going to start taking that I went home & researched the B/P RX that I was already on - Holy Moly! Horrible side effects that are almost identical to menopause - I have been off the drug 3 months, but last week I had an episode of all episodes - so now I don't really know if it was the drug causing these issues or just plain ole menopause or maybe the drug had made everything that more amplified. All I know is, I am off the poisonous drug, trying to get my life back together, have seen a Naturopath & after testing, I was diagnosed with elevated cortisol levels & my hormones are basically non-existent & my inflammation & histamine levels are high also. I am 60 & had my last period 5 years ago...I am hoping this last finale of a freak out was my last & not the beginning of how I am now going to feel - good luck to you - we have to soldier on -