Symptoms of Menopause
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Hi to all the ladies out there suffering from their peri/menopause symptoms day after day... I thought id share all my very own peri/menopause symptoms with all of you so you don't feel so all alone! Anyone care to share theirs as well, please do...
Ovulation pain.. Emotional- irritable- crying
Doom -gloom- sad-scared-alone-trapped-can't sleep at night- night sweats-shaky pass out feeling- low blood sugar-OCD- head pressure- inability to focus eyes- blurry vision- dizzy- spacey-off balance- very dizzy when it rains or snows- auras- wavy vision looking at patterns-bad migraines- dull headaches- MAV migraine associated vertigo- random all over twitching- palpatations heart flutters and flip flops-hard heartbeat in chest-hard heartbeat in ears- stiffness in fingers legs mouth face- numbness on head and face and arms- prickly feeling pins and needles especially during shower on front of schins (weird) feels like hotness brings it on-swishing noises in ears-ringing in ears- burning dry itchy eyes super dry mouth- fear of being alone or going too far from home ( had to get over that one quick as I learned nobody has time for me and my issues)beyond tired exhausted-sharp head pain zaps- jolted awake from sound sleep in a panic( really strange and uncomfortable) vivid dreams and nightmares- nervousness anxiety and panic attacks- health anxiety from worrying of own health issues or others health issues- very forgetful-flu type feelings sharp quick random pains through out body and chest- (scary) short breath can't get that good deep breath also scary- short breath from trapped gas and lots of belching- bad digestive issues- constipation- diareah- many joint pains- frozen shoulder excruciatingly painful- exasperation of existing conditions- (horrible) swollen inflated breasts and stomach-fear of something going to happen- or fear that I'm dying and doctors have missed it all-can't eat many different foods anymore developed lots of food sensitivities and environment sensitivities to not only foods but lights, sounds, dyes rubber smells perfumes colognes make me instantly sick or like I can't breathe-clogged nose- clogged ears-frequent urination all night long (awful) and um quite sure I'm missing some.
Very sad that I'm not the strong independent fun loving person I once use to be.. I feel so TRAPPED... when will all these crazy menopause symptoms finally end!
10 likes, 35 replies
nanette44686 Gypsy014
hi gypsy thanku for posting this it does help to know im not alone in this menopause journey i can relate to all of this sending hugs xxx
Gypsy014 nanette44686
Hi Nanette, stay strong during your journey! Sending hugs back to you...
pamela2016 Gypsy014
omg i could have written your post I'm dealing with every single symptom you said everyday day in day out no breaks for the past 4 years only symptom i don't have is the headaches. how can drs not help us in some way when hrt isnt an option idk but i pray everyday all day long for peace life back and periods to stop. you are so not alone in what your dealing with.
Gypsy014 pamela2016
Hi Pamela, so glad to hear you don't suffer with the headaches they can get bad.. Its hard enough with all the other horrific symptoms!! May you find relief from symptoms soon.. I'm praying for us all.. Stay strong.. Take care ❤
betty11791 Gypsy014
i feel your pain had all your symptoms about 2years ago and i'm happy to say some have subsided want to encourage you be patient all will be fine only symptom still disturbing me is the anxiety but ive learnt to be with
btw i have gone through this with no medication my anxiety was bad couldnt take the pills and i stopped telling my family my problems coz no one understood wht i was going through
just be patient you'll be fine
Gypsy014 betty11791
Hi Betty , thank you for sharing, yes the ANXIETY can be very pesty and doesn't let up when it gets ahold of you.. You definitely give me hope that this will not last forever! Thank you ..
susan39015 Gypsy014
I dont even know what to say other then im sitting at the table wth my daughter and i just read your post and im holding back my tears so she doesnt see me. You literally described me to a T that honestly it is freaking me out a little bit. The only other thing i could add is a very sour vomit taste in my mouth. Mouth is so dry i wake up and my lips are stuck together. I dont even know what else to say like i said you listed EVERYTHING i feel.
Its weird because on top of the vivid dreams/nightmares which is every night, I also feel a very bad presence around me at times and i will get cold and feel like im not alone. I also feel this presence in my nightmares.
God bless you thats all i can say.
God bless all of you ❤
Can i ask you a silly question tho- do you feel like some of your sensations lessen after you urinate?
Gypsy014 susan39015
Hi Susan, awww bless you!! Yes it is so strange how all our symptoms are so similar, but yet not familiar with anyone around here by me or doctors, you try and explain and others just don't get how bad it truly is.. That can make you feel so all alone.. Um so very greatful for this forum and that we all can relate to one another, take care and stay strong...🌷
Gypsy014 susan39015
Oh and to answer your ? Never really paid much attention if symptoms lessoned after relieving the bladder, I will have to pay closer attention to see.. Does it relieve your symptoms at all??
bev27429 Gypsy014
Thanks for sharing, Gypsy. Somehow reading your post strangely makes me feel better. It is comforting to know that I am not alone in my suffering.
I consider myself to be an incredibly strong person, but these last two years of perimenopause have been devastating for me and so difficult to bear, but I continue on because I want my life, and I want to go back to the energetic, optimistic, loving, and goal-oriented person who I used to be.
Here is a list of what I have experienced over the last two years (in no particular order): feeling spaced out and disconnected from everyone and from life, high anxiety, crushing depression, mood shifts from peace to annoyance to rage to crying and back again (sometimes in the span of seconds), never knowing how I am going to feel from one moment to the next, exhaustion, fear of everything, bloating, gas, diarrhea, weight loss, inability to feel any pleasure, feeling no desire to interact with anyone, neediness, extreme sensitivity to smell which can make me want to vomit, extreme sensitivity to noise, a warping of my visual perceptions, and so on...
I wish all of the women on this forum the strength to continue forward. We will make it!
Gypsy014 bev27429
Hi bev, it really amazes me how strong us woman really are! I can so relate to all your symptoms also , and that depression really can grip you bad and not let up, it has gotten much much better the depression part that is but can remember how it had a good hold on me for about six months straight, and oh man I never want to relive that part of peri, it was truly scary.....we need to all stay strong that we will one day have our fulfilling lives back once again, stay strong, thank you for sharing:)
Guest Gypsy014
ANYONE ever see things off and on that's not there like a bug or fly SHARE if you have. Like coming out of Walgreen's today pulling out had window down I seen a big like bubble bee flying by my window like it was trying to come in so quickly tried to roll of window and I finally passed it first my son (who has autism) said he seen it but when I ask him again when we got home he said NO. One time I seen a bug on the window I blinked if that and it disappeared CAN anyone relate please respond this has me freaked out like was it a bug or seeing things that looked real!
Gypsy014 Guest
Hi crasado, you made me laugh about the bug ha ha! But all seriousness yes to seeing different things , as a matter of fact, my symptoms are really ramped up and intense these last few days, and sitting at my table writing something and thought I kept seeing something out of my dining window, I kept looking up from what I was writing a bunch of times only to see nothing.. So very weird that you mentioned the bug thing, also been having a lot of yellow lines in and across my vision that is a new one for me, but I just chalk that up as my vision disturbances... This if you ask me is all so bizarre I feel like an alien walking around down here sometimes ha ha.. Thanks for sharing take care ❤
crystals51917 Gypsy014
WOW!!! WOW!! WOW!!! You have named so many symptoms that so many of us had or are experiencing. I couldn't believe you hit the nail so accurate. I almost cried as I read this because I remember feeling so many of these. It's the worst feeling EVER! Menopause robs you of things you used to love doing and it makes you isolate yourself because of the feelings. All I can do is pray and pray alot. I Take my Vitamin D, Fish Oil, Magnesium Glycinate and B12 and I wear a LadyCare Magnet Plus that has helped a lot. It doesn't take all the symptoms away but it has helped with those horrible thoughts that kept my head in a tornado all day long thinking something was wrong with me, feeling sick, hopeless and severe depression and sweats. I still have the brain fog, fuzziness, not very clear thinking and some thoughts however; things are better. All I can say is pray and see if any supplements will work for you. You may have a dr who can relate and assist but its not likely because most dr's don't know what to do. Oh! I'm so thankful for this forum. It has saved me many times. Take care of yourself.
Gypsy014 crystals51917
Hi good to hear we are all on the same page here, it truly makes this transition that much easier...these symptoms can really get bad, so being able to reach out to all you ladies on here is so comforting.. Stay strong I'm praying too, for us all. 😍