Symptoms of Menopause or not?

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I know there are a ton of syptoms of menopause but here are mine. 

Hot flashes,upset stomach,headaches,lack of sleep,fuzzy hair on the face, crying jags, and loss of desire for sex. The lack of desire is the one I am not really sure of.  Is it a syptom of menopause also?  I have a feeling it is but just wonder what syptoms others have. So anyone what syptoms do you have?

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Rhonda

    the symptoms of menopause are endless, it bought my anxiety attacks back, palpitations, hot flushes, dry itchy skin, thining of hairs on my arms and face, cold to the point of shivering, urinating every 5 minutes, funny feelings like electro pulses through my body when I'm trying to sleep, insomnia some nights, irritable, now have terrible wind bloating and sometimes diarohea, dry mouth and bouts of terrible memory loss or brain wondering off, the list goes on and on. Wish there was an end to the symptoms and at this moment sometimes hate being me 😞 X


    • Posted

      Oh this is the first time I've seen anyone mentioning the electric pulse like feeling! I get it mostly just when I'm falling asleep and it's like I've been electrocuted & I jump up...not glad you've got it too but glad I'm not imagining it and it's yet another thing to add to my list x
    • Posted

      I feel most of those but not all.  I did have a problem at the docotrs office I thought I was having a stroke.  I could not get a word/sentence out of my mouth for the life of me.  I was really getting worried.  I got to the car and everything was fine.  Freaked me out though.
    • Posted

      It's really strange that electrical feeling isn't it scary, thought I was going to die 😓, had to take my pulse so I knew I was not dying x


    • Posted

      Rhonda, I'm too now suffering from slight numbness sometimes slightly itchy too in my face just like a little patch and on my right arm too, seems it maybe calcium deficiency, I've just had blood test waiting to see. X


    • Posted

      Soon scarey...2 nights ago it was horrific....2am electric feeling...shivering so much my teeth were chattering..husband woke up and was so good sat up with me for over an hour pulse was racing....problem is I was scared to try and go back to sleep (as if)! In case it happened again....I've had it a lot with electric,sciatica type pain in ankle then arm and then head ...I thought I was imagining it but you've actually made me feel better...x
    • Posted

      OMG I'm having the some problems and a few more. I'm beside myself with the anxiety. I'm sure my doctor thinks I'm crazy.
  • Posted

    Hi...I know what you lack of desire is at an all time low....probably because I feel ill all the time,fat,tired,snappy & unattractive...x
    • Posted

      Mine is at an all time low also.  Mine doesn't really have a cause really just gone.  Much to the dismay of my poor husband.  Just trying to work it out for his sake. 
    • Posted

      I know what you mean I feel so sorry for my poor husband. I'm so dry down there.
  • Posted

    Thanks to everyone who has replied.  Did I say I hate menopause?  I hope everyone has a menopause free day soon. 
    • Posted

      I'd like more than one menopause free day please lol! Been on evorel conti patches since 18 September, hot flushes completely gone, but everything else remains. Anxiety attacks are worst symptom for me........feels like I'm going insane and I HATE them!  Oh to be a man.......saying that I now seem to be growing a beard lol! Oh bugger! 
    • Posted

      Pam LOL. I don't have the beard but I have a lot of peach fuzz on my face.  I got through the anxiety thank goodness. But unforunately the hot flashes an upset stomach are pretty bad.  I can't take anything because I recently found out I have kidney disease so no help for me in the way of medication. sad 
  • Posted

    I have the anxieties, stomach issues, sleep problems, crying, edgy, no desire to be held trouble eating, hot flashes, palpitations, you name it i have had it and still do. 
    • Posted

      Sorry you have all the rotten issues with menopause.  I have had all those but luckily it has settled some.  I still have the hot flashes (extremely bad) upset stomach, and lack of desire.  But luckily the crying jags have settles down.  I once broke down in the doctors office for no reason.  Funny now but embarrassing then. She just looked at me and said Yup full fledged menopause. Like I didn't know. LOL

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