Symptoms Worse When You're Tired?
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I've been dizzy/off-balance for quite a while now, and it varies in intensity from day-to-day....I think I'm noticing a trend that it's worse when I don't get a good night's that true for anyone else? Another thing....I hadn't had a period for a few months, had a light period early last week, and another one started this morning, along with worse lightheadedness and vomiting (that's a new one for me) now I'm lying in bed, terrified to get up because I feel so woozy....I'm afraid I'll pass out if I stand up (although I feel lightheaded lying here as well)....I suspect what I really need is to go to sleep but (I know this sounds silly), I'm scared to go to sleep......just feel like a total mess today.....called my boyfriend (he's at work at the moment) and sobbed on the phone for a few minutes and now I'm back to just worrying....I hate being home alone when I feel like this, but I don't feel well enough to go to work.....these hormones are making me feel absolutely crazy!!!!!! Any words of wisdom from my fellow sufferers?
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klvb1162 wearykitty
wearykitty klvb1162
jayneejay wearykitty
oh honey.... i also find when i had periods after missing many and one came, nausia and feeling sooooo sickly, ( new one for me too) headaches before too, i only had two periods last year and both times, intense headache and felt soooo sick, wobbly etc.
drink plenty if fluids weary kitty get some toast down even if you dont feel like it try as it will make you feel abit better... then a warm bath later ... its crap isnt it....
stay positive as if you not having periods for months at a time then your nearing the end .... it gets better hun, i havent had a period for almost a year, after my B6 and b12 i feel tonnes better and no PMT - no periods symptoms .... i used to get the symptoms and no period for a few months after last period, now they gone too... Jay xx
jayneejay wearykitty
this may explain abit ... certainly mentions tiredness and feeling worse ..😥
Why does menopause cause nausea?
Although the exact link between the menopause and nausea is not yet fully understood, it is thought that a change in hormone levels causes the symptom. Similar to pregnancy causing morning sickness, the menopause is a time of your life when your hormones are radically fluctuating, in particular, the hormones oestrogen and progesterone.
It is thought that reduced levels of the hormone progesterone cause gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, indigestion and heartburn, all of which may also lead to nausea.
Additionally, nausea may be caused or worsened by stress or fatigue. Both of these conditions are commonly associated with the menopause. If you are feeling overworked, then looking for ways of improving this may help to lift your feeling of nausea.
Lastly, severe menstrual pain or cramps can give rise to nausea.
What home remedies are there for nausea?
Looking after your digestive system is often the first way to avoid or improve your symptoms of nausea. If you eat fatty, greasy or spicy food you are more likely to feel the after-effects of it. Avoiding eating altogether can also worsen your nausea. Instead, try to eat a small amount of very plain food, such as crackers. It is important not to eat too much, but a little may help to settle your stomach. Making sure that your blood sugar is balanced is important, as low blood sugar may contribute to your symptoms.
Avoid sitting in a hot, stuffy or smelly room, as this will only make you feel even queasier. Try to get some fresh air and breathe deeply, as this will create a rhythmic pattern in the stomach. Unless your nausea is unbearable, then keeping yourself occupied and your mind off the nausea will often help you get through the day.
It’s also important to consider what you drink. Try to avoid tea, coffee, sugary and fizzy drinks.
wearykitty jayneejay
jayneejay wearykitty
i went through the anxious stage, it got really weird, i was always strong, i was career woman in health sector for many many years, then after a few years of peri i became anxious, didnt want to go out, drive, be alone, didnt want to mix with people i found other people a threat, i felt on the defence all the time, all bonkers stuff.. but ... its passed, mainly it had too as now my other half works overseas so its just me, as kids grown up, so I had to push myself and focus, i felt like this up until April this year, my B6 vits helped me, my anxiety just went, as quick as it came, I go out alot now and drive and go shopping alone no problems now.... even have some friends i meet up with once a week and have a giggle, I had to have words with myself as I was becoming reclusive and lonely and life is as good as you make it... it will pass honey
Jay xx
wearykitty jayneejay
Sandy07 wearykitty
AVR1962 wearykitty
I have to keep up on my iron and B12 and B6 but I have not been dizzy fro a long long time.....was this way every day, all day long for 9 months. Went off gluten (wheat) and it resolved my dizziness, my foggy thinking. I was also having terrible stomach aches. Something to think about and try. I went 9 weeks before my dizziness went away.
wearykitty AVR1962