Synthetic HRT...Back on the Bios. Oh well, I gave it my best shot

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Hello Ladies - Hoping you are all well and are coping with The Red Devil as best you can.  Haven't been on here for yonks - its amazing how life gets in the way of things, isn't it?

Well anyone who may not know my history, here it is as briefly as I can make it ('briefly'?  As if!):

~been in Peri for what feels like a third of my adult life! (I'm now 55)

~at 55 I'm still bleeding as regular as a carefree teenager - there the similarity ends, aside fromt the occasional tantrum and ill-timed zit!

~had a major life change in 2013 - sold business, family home *yawn* long story.  Finally had time for 'Me'.

~Sept '13 - went to see Nurse Practitioner about my Peri symptoms. Got distinct impression she was either completely anit-HRT, or was being MADE to push the use of SSRIs for us nutty Peri-ites!  Prescribed me SSRIs after I joked about being a bit tearful watching 'Don't Tell the Bride' - me and my bleedin' stupid sense of humour!

~SSRIs went in the bin:  just not the route I wanted to take (no offence intended to those who are finding these life-savers: they're just not for me).  Got me reading about my symptoms and alternatives to HRT

~started applying some bioidentical Progesterone Cream (Serenity).   This, along with some Menopace seemed to do the trick ......for a while.

~July '15 - another massive, life changing event. Started process of moving home (130ml away), getting out of London (born & bred: I'd paid my dues etc).

~Moved to new home in a new, unknown county, 130ml from the very small family we have = Our New Adventure. Life's too short etc etc

~Jan 16 - finally went to my new GP after yrs of not having time to be ill. Talked about my Peri. Said maybe I might want to try some HRT. More interested in getting help for my fatigue/aching joints

~Started to take my prescribed, synthetic HRT: PremPak C.  Also got some prescribed Vit D (very low), and possibly going to have some Iron supps (pending more blood tests etc)

~2 mths into a 3-mth course and I've had enough.  Month one: bled/heavy spotting 22/28 days. Month two: bled/heavy spotting 24/28 days.  I don't recall signing up for this!  Read everything about these online and had to give it my best shot, as it stated irregular bleeding etc etc. 

~fed up with the constant Blob, the associated smell, the utter inconvenience of bleeding all the time.  That would have been enough, had it not actually brought on more menopausal symptoms than I had actually experienced pre-HRT! 

Today was my Liberation Day - I will no longer be taking PremPak C Synthetic HRT.  Anyone who may have read my older posts will know that I was pretty open minded about Bios V Synthetics = each to their own.  2 of my sisters took it for 15yrs and 8yrs (and still on it).  But I think for me, I could not see any benefits at all, other than maybe feeling a little calmer. 

Being a bolshy cow for most of my life, I think i can cope with being a bit, em, challenging:  I think only others may have a problem with that, rather than me!

I feel happy to again be almost complete drug-free, having a strange aversion to all-things medicinal all of my life.  I'll willingly take my Vit D supps for the rest of my life, if I have to.  I shall not miss the re-intro of oestrogen into my system, and hope that my good ol' mate Serenity Bioidentical Progesterone Cream (I don't work for them, honest!) will just help me at the tail end of my cycle, and keep those bl**dy symptoms at bay. 

I've told the Doc that I may well come crawlling back to him in a few mths, begging for a different HRT, if I cannot get the help I need from my bios.  I just conclude that maybe I haven't got as severe Peri symptoms as I know so many others have. But for me, actually taking something that seemed to bring on the sweats, palpatations, PMT symptoms, really sore and aching 'charlies' wasn't what I was expecting.  Oh, and how could I forget that weight gain/OTT appetite?!!

Ladies, keep on doing what's working for you.  I hope that none of you are suffering in silence.  I always loved this Forum as it allowed me to vent my spleen to those who knew only too well what I was moaning about!

I continue to have the Dream Husband.  How he puts up with me, God knows (34yrs xx).

Has anyone else taken my route of Bio-Synthetic-back to Bio?  To be honest, aside from trying to sort out a massively complex Tax Return, my life is pretty damn good these days, so maybe I'll just be able to go more with the flow and 'get on with it' without too many meltdowns.

Just my bl**dy luck, that it takes me to get to this stage, after 42yrs of Ps, before David Cameron felt brave enough to take himself back to the EU to try to get the tax removed from our sannies!   Bit bl**dy Late Dave, me ol' Pal.  I think i alone have been propping up that bl**dy industry alone. 

My pals don't call me Kotex for nothing!

Chin Up Girls.  We're all in this together, don't forget xx


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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Brilliant email Shaznay, thanks for sharing.

    i haven't taken the synthetic route at all, OMG, I never intended to take anything! More fool me, until 2 months after my 50th my symptoms became dramatically worse: sweats 3-4 times an hour, aches that I was convinced was rhuematoid something, they were not! And anxiety, insomnia and deep depression. I tried natural, herbal, meditation to no avail. Turned out at 52 I had no estrogen at all!!  I started on bio estrogen patches and progesterone tablet.  Within 3 day my mood lifted, by 10 days my sweats almost disappeared, my mind was clearer and I could focus, I felt recognisable.  Been on the bios for 9 weeks now and aside from some 'sensitivity' to the progesterone I'm not ready to stop and I wouldn't consider stopping till I give up work. I don't think I could function as an employee in a stressful job without bios.

    all the best to everyone

    • Posted

      Oh I love a story with a good ending!  Good for your gel.  I have the benefit of not having to work (after what seems a lifetime of working F/T, the longest stint of 22yrs ended in 2013 when I sold my business:  couldn't afford to be ill during those 22yrs!!).  You, and all our other 'sistas' have my absolute sympathy at having to go through this trauma AND work, whilst battling these 'orrible symptoms.  To think that we thought it was hard enough coping with a Period every month!!!!!

      Are you in the UK? Did your GP prescribe the bio patches?  I've only read about NHS-prescribed Progesterone patches, but TBH, I don't think I could be ar*ed battling for my GP to prescribe these to me, when I can buy the bio-identical Prog Cream (and some bio Oestrogen Cream if I needed it) myself. 

      If we gels can find something, no matter what, that helps us get through our normal, everyday Day without ended up a blubbering, sweating, confused mess, then we should all have what works for us.  I am defo not anti-HRT: my own sisters all swear by it. But I'm not sure the only synthetic HRT (Prempak C) that I tried was right for me.  I've already warned my GP that I don't rule out having to drag my carcass back into his office, begging for a different HRT.  But I'll definintely do as much to help myself and my symptoms for as long as I feel well.

      Currently on Day 2 of my bio-ID Prog Cream, having stopped taking the synthetic HRT 2wks ago.  Feel absolutely fine during that 2wks, and hope that I continue to feel OK during Days 14-28. 

      Just to think, when I was a teenager in the 70s, me & my galpals used to say: "Can't wait for Menopause - No more bleeding" - Huh!  clearly we hadn't read or been told about any of the other symptoms to expect! 

      Keep the Faith Kiddo


  • Posted

    I think you would have been better off asking for bio.

    Prempac is horse urine and the powers that be KNOW it is not well tolerated by humans.

    Why they still insist on dishing the stuff out is beyond me.

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      yeah, you're probably right. But like everything in the NHS they dish out the cr*p first, before YOU have to go back ready to battle for your right to be prescribed anything remotely bioidentical. 

      I've moved to a new County, got a new, youngish male GP (who's pretty decent, it has to be said), so I didn't want to go in all guns blazing.  Especially as I knew that if I didn't like synthetics, I'd go back to buying my own bios. 

      All my sisters love/d their HRT: maybe my inate dislike of taking any medication unless I was desperate makes me a little more tolerant than them??? 

      I'll just go with the flow, keep applying my bio ID Prog Cream, take my prescribed Vit B3 supps, and see how I get on.  I am my mother's daughter (the baby) and probably used her as my role model (ney, she was my Hero x!) of just 'getting on with it' - I've always been like that.

      And you're right:  they shove this stuff at us, knowing that its probably not the best thing for us to take!

      Ta for replying


  • Posted

    Yes I think there is a warehouse somewhere packed with the horse urine stuff cause it stills being dished out by GPs as a first response.
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      Surprised they don't offer a BOGOF on this cheap ol' gear! 

      I shouldn't scoff cos I know this stuff has been a life-saver for loads of gels.  Probably just not for me

  • Posted

    Thank you for sharing. It's gr8 we gave some wer to rant and feel normal in the otherwise crazy world of peri!! I'm 49 and hv been in peri I think about four pos five years. Mood swings aches pains etc. My flushes have got worse over last month and joy has went out if life!! Over last few months 😢😢 iv no motivation and don't really care about anything! Not really bothering with friends so am isolating myself ! And iv so much to look forward to going to he a granny for 1st time and my son getting married but everything just an effort! !😢😢😢 my partner also very understanding and just a wee dote but can't be bothered!!really no interest in life. ... Was given evorel patches but afraid to take them. Dont want weight gain cos feel bad enough. Also with son getting married in few months can't afford to. .. Did you find the serenity cream worked and wer do I buy it?. I take a lot of vitamins. Vit d, fish oil 1100mg . Vit -b 50 complex and buckberry 1000mg. I haven't had a period from last October. I wud be so grateful for your advice . Thank you. Also I live in northern Ireland .
    • Posted

      tinaarena - Ta for replying.

      Wow!  A Nan and a Wedding!!  Kids - they just don't know when to stop chucking it at us do they?!!  Come on gel, lets get you sorted in time for these two beautiful events!

      Well I'm the other end of the spectrum - I'm 55 and up until I 'toyed' with the HRT, was bleeding as regular as a teenager - like bl*ddy clockwork every month.  So I'm probably not the best placed to advise you on anything, given that your P's stopped last Oct. 

      Have you been to see your GP about any of this?  For me it was the aching joints & fatigue that took me to my GP.  But as you read, that particular HRT just wasn't right for me.  But I know there are lots of others available:  I just wasn't Up for trying any others, what with the constant bleeding/spotting...grrrrrr!!

      Have you done your reading-up on the Evorel?  Like most things, we can read sucess stories and horror stories.  I'm open-minded, and knew that at some point I'd try HRT.  I don't even rule out dragging my fat ol' carcass back to the GP if I'm really struggling.  But if I were you, I'd go back to the GP, talk through your symptoms, definitely tell them you've stopped bleeding, and see if they think starting your patches might be of help. 

      The serenity cream probably did help me.  Lets put it this way, I didn't feel any better for taking the HRT (in fact all I did was re-read the info that came with it to see how many of the side effects I was getting:  but that's just me - a total Medicine-phobe!!). 

      You can find their website online, and they have a lot of (self-promoting, of course) info on there to read.  But, like anything, what works for me might not for you, and vice versa.  I think I went that route first as I'm so anti-medicines, and wanted to see if there was anything else that would help me.

      But again, go back to your GP and have a chat with them.  They may allay your fears about using your patches. 

      And I completely understand your worries about weight gain as I already have a few pounds that need shifting, so I don't want to add to it. 

      Having said that, I have an older sister who has to take very strong anti-psychotic meds for life.  They've bumped up the weight (she was always slim), but we all agree that she's better sane and fat than skinny and nuts!! (come from a very down-to-earth London family, so we don't beat about the bush, we say it as it is:  sorry to offend anyone - not intended!)

      PS - I'm right with you with the constant 'hunger' and sugar cravings.  I'd always been a savoury rather than sweet-type:  that's out the window, that's for sure as I eat that much chocolate.....and some!  

      Go get yourself an appointment with your GP before this baby comes and the wedding, as I'm telling you you'll need your Granny hat on most days - hard but lovely, lovely work (grandson is now 7 and on reflection, I'm glad he came way back then as my poor ol' knees feel knackered, I'm not sure I could do a fraction of the things I did 7yrs ago).

      Lovely to hear from you


    • Posted

      Hi thank u so much for ur post. Iast July the hrt clinic put me on a 3 monthly tablet. Over a few weeks I increased in inches!! Not really weight gain whereby nothing fitted me (I'm normally quite slim) nearing the end of the 3rd month (sept ) my moods got so bad I was crying constantly ( this was the reason I went on the hrt in 1st place!). I was also bleeding very heavily were previously I hadn't had a period from April! ! Hence my reluctance to try again. I feel so bad about feeling vain I was never like this!!😢😢and totally take ur point about being fatter and saner!! But iv my outfit in and really can't afford to buy another one. Did u feel the hrt really helped or is it just mind over matter!! I'm also on BP tablets so unable to take sage and other herb tablets. Wud the bio identical estrogen and progesterone have the same side effects do u think? I know I'm asking you a lot of questions sorry!! And I probably shud go to my doc but she just said the last time u have to give it time to work and try different things. I'm prob looking the miracle here. Also got up this am have had dry itchy eyes for a while and now theyr blood shot! ! Had this a couple of years ago and needed to go to eye clinic at hospital for steroids as gp can't prescribe them! ! 😢😢 5h8nk u for listening xx
    • Posted

      Well I never! 'Crying constantly' and 'itchy eyes' = sounded very familiar!

      Funny, cos I found that the HRT seemed to 'bring on' certain symptoms - headaches, bit tearful (and believe me, I am not the tearful type! Watched 'The Good Wife' on Netflix, the episode where Will got killed.  Knew what was coming this time (seen before).....but still had massive knot in throat & tears in eyes.  I put it down to secretly fancying him biggrin!  Also got a bit of what I would term PMT.  And although I like a good argument, I haven't felt that highly strung for yonks. 

      Can't tell you how sorry I felt for you, reading that you bled again.  HRT will give a bleed but I didn't really sign up for 24 out of 28 days grrr!

      I know too what you mean about the weight.  Odd. Just like you describe. Not necessarily pounds going on, but felt like a lead weight: bloated/water logged.  For me I felt that 2mths was enough of a time for me to decide whether it was for me or not. Could not face any more months of bleeding. 

      Can't say whether or not you will feel the same with bios, as we all have different symptoms/levels of tolerance/experiences.  I don't know what to say to you for the best! 

      I feel for you, because you've got yr family wedding to consider (outfit etc).  If you didn't have that to think about, you could maybe trial some bios, and monitor how you feel over a longer period of time. 

      Because you're taking BP pills, personally I'd check everything out with your GP, just in case they interact. 

      I always find it sorta amusing when a female GP, especially if they are around my age, try to fob me off with  the good ol' 'try different things' - yeah, but what?!!!  (Its almost as funny as an equally obese Nurse telling me that I need to lose weight.  Next time I swear I'll ask her whats she doing to help her lose weight! That's the beauty of being Peri, you can say all this and blame it on 'The Change' ha halol)

      Have to say, even though its early days, I haven't felt any 'fallout' from stopping the HRT. My bleeding has finally abated, and I suppose when I get to Day 1 (I have to keep a diary!) I'll probably start bleeding again. But it'll be interesting to see what its like and how long it will last now.

      Maybe go see a different GP in yr Practice, or the Nurse Practitioner, to ask what to expect from your patches.  Or come on here and search your particular HRT for info.  There may well be a conversation thread on here specifically related to that HRT - or start your own discussion?!

      Have a good day. 



    • Posted

      Again thank you so much for replying. Il take ur advice and start my own threadxx
    • Posted

      I'm on a bio identical, oestrogel and Utrogestan.

      I have lost 5 lbs without trying.

  • Posted

    Forgot to add.... always hungry and craving sugar!!! Trying soooo hard to be good but just always feel deprived! 😡😡 xx

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