Terrible anxiety about upcoming scan

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Hi all, i have had pelvic (ovary )pain for over 2 years. Had blood test and ultra sound scan when it began and all were clear so diagnosed as ibs, however it all seemed linked to periods, its got worse recently as my perimenopause symptoms have kicked in. I have been back to doctors this last week as the pain is more frequent and am due to have another scan in 2 weeks. cannot sleep because of anxiety now. Anybody had anything similar

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    Hi Sandra, Yes! I started getting right sided ovary pain, at first I wasn't sure if it was appendix, so I went to ER, it was not. I had several upon several urinalysis, which were clear except once, when they treated it the pain still remained. Since then I have had several pelvic ultra sounds, upper abdomen ultra sounds, xrays, fecal tests and everything seems to be normal. I had vaginal swabs and treated for yeast infection even though nothing showed. What I noticed was that it seemed more intense the second half of my cycle. I still get it on and off. I started seeing an osteopath and she said that my illeocecal valve was stuck open and when she touched that area it was very sore, but after a couple treatments it has settled. I also have seen a pelvic floor physio therapist and she examined me and said I have very tight pelvic floor muscles, which is not normal. I still am not 100% if all this is the cause, but I do find that I don't have it as much as I used to....mine started about 4 years ago. I find the tests are very nerve wrecking, because you sit and worry about the test and then when they are done you sit and worry about the results. I think this stress makes everything worse for our health, so I am trying to just relax more and not freak out over every new symptom. I go find this past year or so that I get more bloating and flatulence, and IBS symptoms.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your reply, you have described my symptoms to a tee. it really helps knowing your not alone.

    • Posted

      Yes this is a great group, as most ladies on here have had some or most of the crazy symptoms. Just having some reassurance helps although it is always good to get symptoms checked even for piece of mind. I have found that it did help me to do that to decrease health anxiety.

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