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Hello ladies. Last night around 3 am i had a major panic attack when i got up to use the bathroom. But while walking i felt like my lower body was dislocated from my upper. So hard to explain. I had terrible back pain, heavy breathing, fingers twitching, i barely could of walked. This morning my body feels so off. Had 2 anxiety attacks. My legs feel heavy, chest heavy. I am so scared. I was thinking was it something i ate or the new probiotic i have been taking for the past 3 days. I stopped taking it. I was doing somewhat good but now here i am feeling like i did when i first entered peri. I came so far and now this. I have no one with me and i am scared. My son is coming over soon. Has anyone felt like this. The gloom and doom of it all has me scared beyond words.
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jaynie08827 hopeforever
that is pretty much how i feel everytime i wake up..wether im sleep for 10 min or 2 hours. im lucky i sleep for hours at a time i get this weird falling electric feeling that wakes me. then i have anxiety after. sometimes heavy breathing sometimes feels like not getting air at all. the anxiety is bad. i feel like crap most of the day and cabt understand how if its just hormones can feel this bad. im post menapause and would give anything to have my period again so i dont feel like this. hang in there. ur not alone.
michelle97919 jaynie08827
I too struggle to believe this is all hormones and not something more sinister
It really sucks
I just put up a post about inner tremors and vibrations x
hopeforever jaynie08827
Thank you jaynie08827 for your reply. That is exactly how i feel. My thoughts are telling me that this is more than hormones. Something new to the medical world that dr's don't know of. How can hormones have such an effect to the point where we cannot function. I am feeling so awful right now, there are no words. Yesterday i was fine a little back pain which i could of handled then BAM all hell broke loose. I will just sit here and watch movies all day and wait for my sons company. Thank you so much for your reply and God bless you. You ladies are my rock.
michelle97919 hopeforever
Hi Hope
I feel your pain!!!
I am 52 nearly three years post meno and feel worse than ever.
I had a ten year peri hell symptoms too many to mention
Now just constant trembling inside anxiety through the roof dont know what to do with myself.
I really hoped post meno would get easier but it has not.
I moved house then got coronovirus two weeks later this was start of March. I was very poorly for three weeks.
Ifi thought i was getting a hold on the anxiety and panic attacks these events showed me i havent.
I just wanted to let you know you are not alone
. Happy to talk if you need to x
sherri87081 michelle97919
Michelle, I am so happy to hear that you have recovered from the Coronavirus. Hoping your anxiety and panic attacks stop all together too.
michelle97919 sherri87081
Thank you so much x
hopeforever michelle97919
Thank you michelle97919 for your reply. I feel for you being in this hell now for years with no such ease. I entered peri 2 and a half yrs ago and the thought of me feeling like this for more than 10 yrs is a nightmare. I had the tremors , the constant shaking inside, some days so strong i thought others could feel it if they touched me. It is not a nice feeling .Good to hear that you overcame the virus that must of been hell. I couldn't imaging going through meno and dealing with that. You are a superwoman to say the least. You ladies on this forum give me strength . I am praying for you and once again thank you.
sherri87081 hopeforever
Hopeforever, I sure do know the feeling. I will be fine one minute, then the next my anxiety kicks in and I have a major panic attack. It truly is a scary feeling. Sometimes I feel like I am not going to make it through the day. My health anxiety is horrible when I get like that. Makes me wonder if I have some kind of terrible disease or something. I can't even stand the thought of leaving the house when it kicks in, so I just try to calm myself down and tell myself that it won't last forever. I know it doesn't last forever, because some days I don't feel like there is anything at all wrong with me. Try to calm yourself down and just remember it is your hormones playing games with you.Here I am at 54 still having spotting and occasional periods. I know a lot of women who breezed through menopause. Guess we are just the unlucky ones. I have had every symptom and more. I sure hope you feel better. I just said a prayer for you. If you need to talk, I am on here.
hopeforever sherri87081
Thank you sherri87081 for your reply. My mind at times has me believe that what we have is new to the medical world and not hormones. How the hell do dr's not know about this or have some cure for this hell that we are all in. I mean to the point where its hard to walk or stand is serious. I struggled last night to walk and breath. Then the doom feeling kicked in then the panic attack. I feel a mess right now laying on the sofa watching movies hoping that tomorrow or tonight will bring comfort and not repeat. I hate this, to the point where i cry because that is what is left to do. You ladies have been my strength and thank you so much for your prayers and i will too pray for you. God bless and hoping that you feel better soon.
lisa07272 hopeforever
hi i'm exactly the same, sometimes I struggle to walk to the bathroom, I have lots of panic attacks and feel like i'm exhausted all the time. my legs feel like lead and my chest gets heavy its not nice. Lots of us on here all have the same random symptoms which does make us feel that we are not alone and not going crazy. I struggle with terrible anxiety and there is always a feeling of doom. you are not alone we are all here for you. Enjoy your time with your son x
sharcerv52408 hopeforever
I believe that God has His angels watching over all of us to carry us through this process. God knows that it is not easy. He really does see our struggle and our fears. He is here to help us if we call out to Him. Every day I thank God at the end of the day that I made it through whatever symptoms I had that day because I know that if it wasn't for Him I would have lost my mind by now. So I am taking this time to get closer to God because He's helping me. He said in His word that He will never leave us nor forsake us. So I encourage each of you to do the same, reach out to Him. I guarantee if you pray and call on God when you are feeling these things, that He will help you endure it better. It may not make the symptoms disappear but you'll be more sane and comforted while experiencing them. I pray that this helps someone today.
michelle97919 sharcerv52408
Hi Sharcev
Amen to that is all i can say. If it wasnt for my faith in God i dread to think where i would be right now x
MissNC hopeforever
hi hopefore
i know how you are feeling have been off for a few months bloating gassy stomach , Anxiety , Constipation, Insomnia , hot flushes in tummy , lower back pain, low mood ,
you name it horrible , like you i have been taking probiotics not sure if it is that or my BP meds even i been on them fir 6 years have been reading on the patient info for almopine can cause these Symptoms i am also menopause 3 years just all have to try not to stress and keep strong faith
will book doctors in a few weeks xx hot bath for me in a mo to try and relax xx all please try and relax ladies xx
mercy21172 hopeforever
my sister you are not alone. i feel same is been 3 yrs now am in peri. I will be 42 in Sept. Honestly is only God that will help us pass through this hell call PERI.
dev77856 hopeforever
yes I have severe panic attacks that lasts about 10 minutes. Once I pulled my back out and found it and I was dizzy for three months had some sort of lesion on my spine. They say anxiety can really affect the whole body I’ve been hospitalized I was told it was anxietyWhen I couldn’t feel my legs and had problems speaking and I had strange chills and internal tremors where itd move my legs hncontrollnly.s spent three days in the hospital a i couldn’t feel my legs and had problems speaking and I had strange chills butmore like chills spent three days in the hospital one Dr. said anxiety one . said maybe Mini stroke