Terrible pain in right calf. Hard to walk.
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Hi Ladies. I have been having terrible pain in my right calf it started on Saturday and would not ease up. Is this related to peri and meno ? Or did i sprain a muscle ? I never felt this before.
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kelly55079 hopeforever
Not sure but my son plays soccer and he gets many spasms--- the trainer told him to drink Pedialyte before games and it does help him.. They make packets that you pour into water and drink it.. You might want to try.. You can also take an epson salt bath-- that could help also..
Guest hopeforever
You might want to get that checked out. Are you on hrt? Blood clots can cause pain in the calf. You can get an u/s on it to see if it is. I had that pain, turned out to be nothing, but at the time I had just started BHRT, so was worried.
hopeforever Guest
Hello Suzanne. I am not on hrt or bhrt. I am now worried what you said about blood clots. My mind is reeling right now. Does Hrt and bhrt cause blood clots ?
Guest hopeforever
Sorry, don't want to worry you. Like I said, mine was nothing. I actually think it's my spider veins causing pain, even though doc said no. But you know how that goes.
Still, you might want to get it checked. Are you here in the US? A vascular vein doc can check it.
And yes, think side effects from hrt can include blood clots, strokes, etc. I went off after three months because I was so full of anxiety thinking every symptom was going to kill me, I never really gave it a chance.
Foxy62 hopeforever
Just to be on the safe side get it checked by a medical person , youve probably sprained it or pulled a muscle , soft tissue damage can be terribly painful but best to be safe .
hopeforever Foxy62
Thank you Foxy. I will first thing tomorrow
Foxy62 hopeforever
Try not to worry yourself too much , we can knock ourselves and bump into things without even realise , ive had bad bruises and pain from things i dont even remember doing honestly . Also because of the anxiety we have during this time it hightens everything i think and we worry more about things we didnt give a second thought to before . Try not to worry but to put your mind at rest get checked , then you can relax about it . All the best x
Gwenn1120 hopeforever
I had this after my hysterectomy. Even though both calf sizes were the same (blood clot may cause swelling) and no heat, I ended up having a scan of my veins anyway., results revealed nothing sinister.
It is highly likely nothing to worry about, but maybe see your Dr anyway.
Gwenn1120 hopeforever
I had this after my hysterectomy. Even though both calf sizes were the same (blood clot may cause swelling) and no heat, I ended up having a scan of my veins anyway., results revealed nothing sinister.
It is highly likely nothing to worry about, but maybe see your Dr anyway.
sharcerv52408 hopeforever
Sensitivity and pain can occur anywhere throughout the body during menopause. I have had pain in some odd places, believe me. But also during this time we incur injuries without realizing when or where it transpired. So you may have sprained your leg and not realize it. Or it could be muscle pain due to our declining hormones. If the pain is too unbearable I would see a doctor. Hope you are feeling better soon. Take care.
Irene1210 hopeforever
I had this pain on both my calves when I started peri menopause 3 to 4 years ago. I didn't know then it was part of the onset of peri menopause. I am 52 this year & I'm still having the pain
Thank all you ladies for your responses. Its feeling a lot better today.