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My doctor prescribed testosterone in a pill that melts in mouth . Have any of you taken it like  this ? Did it help ? Any reactions ? I used the prescribed testosterone cream for about a month , and had a reaction to it . Had to stop. So I am kinda scared about taking this . 

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Have not tried anything like that. Wondering if I shouldn't try something for hormones and not Bipolar meds. My councelor is refering me to a new psychiatrist and maybe she will decide that that is something we should try!

    Good luck and hope it works for you!

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle...  Please treat Bipolar Disorder just like an insulin dependant diabetic... you have to take medicine every day. This is a brain disorder that needs to be maintained.  Never stop taking it.  My son was diagnosed 4x with BD and ignored it. Stopped taking medicine and was hit with mania and hospitalized each time. I am happy to report, that under his psychiatrist's care and 3 med changes they found the right meds that work.  He is in his late 20s now and takes this seriously. Remember you are just as normal and functional as us all.  If not more!!! Hope you find some relief... (((Hugs)))

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle, my mother had bipolar disorder and suffered terrible psychotic espisodes the last few years of her life. From looking after my mum I know how important it is for you to see your psychiatrist and stick with your prescribed medication. As for hormones that is another specialized field as your psychiatrist will probably tell you and you will need a doctor who specializes in hormones and menopause to look into things for you.
  • Posted

    Hi Renee... Hmm, I have yet to hear a woman being prescribed Testoserine.  What type of doctor have you seen and for what? I would let the doc know you had a reaction and stopped. Or see another doc for second opinion or help. Hope you are feeling better ☮️ 
  • Posted

    Hi renee,

    I've been on bio identical testosterone vaginal cream for 2 years. Never have had a problem with it at all. Not sure about the delivery methods you have been using on your testosteone though. Whats the mg your taking? Maybe it is just too much. Women don't need as much testosterone but they do need it just not in the quantity as men. I seen a poster say they yet to hear a woman being on testosterone. Woman going into and through menapause have depleted testosterone just like their estrogens and is very beneficial to replace that hormone as well. If done by the right doctor that runs lab work regulary and put on the right amount, testosterone should be part of the replacement in women too if their numbers indicate. Problem is most doctors won't check testosterone, not even in men. Almost have to beg for the test. Its a costly lab test and the insurance companies must from against checking these hormones. As women, we have had testosterone in our bodies our whole life so it makes sense to replace it as well in hormone replacement. Bio Identical hormones made specifically for you at a compounding pharmacy and monitered by a doctor that knows what their doing, typically holistic or alternative doctor. Good luck

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