Tetchy, irritable and inpatient

Posted , 6 users are following.

I notice a lot of mentions on here about anxiety but I feel like a moody, O tolerance, inpatient, short fused old crab! Sprinkle this with bouts of emotional tears every now again and that sums it up

Is anyone else feeling like this? I've never been a patient person but my fuse is so short, it's virtually disappeared!!

Unless I am just turning into a grumpy old git!

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    i have NO patience whatsoever ..standing in line trying to pay for something is the worst ...it seems that everybody is so slow ... i know its just me but get your stuff pay for it and move along !

  • Posted

    Hi yeah I often get ratty and have a short fuse , and then feel bad afterwards . Menopause as a lot to answer for . Never thought I would ever feel the way I do some days.

  • Posted

    For me this ride has been going on for 10 years not to scare anyone. I used to be a patient kind hearted person but now I look like I have the B face on most of the time. Not only is it emotional for me but I, also, have multiple physical ailments including severe bloating, joint pain, etc. I don't feel good on HRT and I don't feel good off. A specialist says I don't have thyroid issues even though I have goiters and my mom had thyroid issues.

    So I too feel like I'l become the grump old lady. I wasn't like this bad even a year or two ago even at 56 and 57 I had younger men showing me interest. Now I am stuck and going now where fast in any avenue of my life. I just told my gyno today I guess there isn't any more you can do for me and he said I guess not since you are not doing HRT.

    I think that is my purge for the day. I just keep trying to eat right and push on. I don't have much of a choice otherwise. Not sure where this is going to lead me. Sorry I'm not much of a ray of sunshine. I've started eating Chinese Yams again so I'm hoping it will start boosting my estrogen a bit naturally.

    • Posted

      I am going to be 58 in march.

    • Posted

      What a horrendous response from your gynaecologist. No wonder you feel that way.

      If that were me, I'd be more determined to find a way to get through it!

      Thank goodness for all the support and advice on here from lovely people.

  • Posted

    Thank you for all sharing your comments which I didn't see as my notifications went into spam. Shsme

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