Thank god for my period !

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Hello everyone . I know this has meant I’ve gone back a bit after missing a period , but at least I’m feeling better . My period is heavy , but not too painful . The thing is you don’t realise just how ill hormones can make you feel . Mine were obviously completely out of whack . I had so many symptoms in that month from when my last period was due to when I finally came on . I had pains in my chest and had convinced myself it was my heart , but was given the all clear ( had an ecg ) , nausea , aches all over , fatigue , insomnia , panic attacks, migraine , reflux , no appetite you name it I had it . To top it all my anxiety and depression were at their peak , but thankfully I’ve come through ! My husband kept telling me it’s only the menopause and that I wasnt dying and I had to keep telling myself that , but when you feel that bad and lousy it’s not easy forgetting about it and laughing it off . Now my husband has man flu and he’s walking around sniffing and coughing and moaning to himself . I really feel like saying it’s only a cold , forget about it . I love him dearly , but if men had to deal with our peri for even a few days , I think maybe they would see things in a different light . After all my husbands cold will go , but I don’t know how long this rollercoaster ride will go on for me . 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    😂Man flu😂....So glad you feel better Jane!  

  • Posted

    Hi Jane - Glad u r feeling better - hope your symptoms will ease up for you - Yes, men could never handle child birth or menopause for a minute - I think I would gladly go to war than fight this least you know when your time is up - 
  • Posted

    I really don’t mean to sound heartless. My daughters just come home and commented about his mood and how he is when feeling poorly . You really don’t want to hang around him 😉🤣

    • Posted

      Hah! Yes, my husband is suffering from plantar fasciitis in one foot because he was a weekend warrior & didn’t properly stretch or build up to his long walk.  He is walking around moaning and groaning like he is  in extreme pain.  Meanwhile, four years ago,  I developed (out of the blue) Achilles’ tendon apathy in both feet.  I am convinced it was the horrible calcium channel blocker that I was on that caused it - Any hoot, I have been in constant pain & with all the menopausal stuff affecting our joints, tendons & muscles it’s added insult to injury.  Point here is, I have managed & I doubt my husband even has a clue how I have suffered. Yep, woman should rule the world - 

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