Thank God the doc recommended this!
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I'm 41 and just been told that I'm going through early menopause and feel a bit disappointed in myself but don't know why, I do feel a bit alone as none of my friends are going through this although my husband has been really good, I've been experiencing a lot of these symptoms for quite a while and sat and read all your questions and comments while hunting but felt so much better,ive to do as much research as I can then go back to docs and get HRT but it's great to know I can ask questions on here and gets honest upfront advice. Xx
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dobb34487 victoria1516
Hi Victoria,
Well done for reaching out . There's alot of us here hanging around in Virtual confusion.
You are young,but it happens
I was 41 when all my symptoms started.But it turned out to be a large Dermoid Cyst mangling my left Ovary.So I had surgery and told everything will balance itself out. My hormones were never quite balanced after that at all.Periods between 3 and 12 weeks.Forward on 5 years and another Dermoid Tumour on my remaining Ovary,more Ops and then the all clear but now I have no Ovaries and have been plunged cruelly into Surgical Menopause!
Because of my current age,46, I have been strongly advised by my Gyn/Onc to go on HRT.So I've just started on Femoston-Conti.I too have no friends going through this.Though most have the odd hot flash.I have been feeling a bit down and tearful.Which is not like me at all.I was told by the experts that for me HRT was the best option to help prevent Osteoporosis and Breast Cancer (it's in the family) and many other health benefits if you are under the age of 51.Also on a personal note I felt it unfair on my very supportive husband as my intimate feelings were dwindling and I know things change down there post Menopause.We are still young enough to have an active love life.
I hope you've a good doctor that can go through everything with you.
It is nice for me to know that I will start feeling hormonally balanced soon and that the extra feelings will hopefully subside.
I wish you well on your personal journey 💖
victoria1516 dobb34487
Hi thank you for responding to my post, it's nice to hear were not alone and sounds like you've had a hard time of it but now you've started HRT hopefully you will start to feel better, I do have a good doctor and he recommended this website, I'm just learning abt it all and kind of coming to terms with i it all , , good luck with your HRT Xx
lana07071 victoria1516
Hi. You know, you should not feel disappointed. It is odd, but the less periods you have, the lower your chances are for an estrogen related cancer. That is why drs always ask if you had kids and if you breastfed them, cause then your risk is lower, due to less periods. Always look at the half full cup!!
victoria1516 lana07071
Hi Lana, I learning something everyday and think it a lot to take in but I really do feel better since I've joined this group, what you said was something else I didn't know, it's hard when none of your friends understand how you feel, thank you for responding. XX
lana07071 victoria1516
victoria1516 lana07071
I still taking it all in and yeah your right they will and yeah I can help them😳 Thank you for the support. Xx
karen46733 victoria1516
Hi Victoria, I understand completely about feeling disappointed in yourself, even though it's not your fault.
I got informed 2 months ago that I'm going through early menopause, I'm the same age as you 41. I believe now that I've been peri for about 3-4 years. So much makes sense now, my periods, night sweats and moods like you wouldn't believe 😲😲😲.
I'm on hrt but I am looking at my diet cutting out caffeine and sugar slowly and I've started having smoothies every morning in the hope that it will all help.
I'm back at the doctors Friday as I would like to see a specialist as my doctor didn't give me any information or advice!!!!
Everyone on here is lovely and all going through the same but maybe with different symptoms and all willing to listen, support and offer advice.
You can always pm if you want a rant
Take care
Karen xx
victoria1516 karen46733
Hi Karen that was really good to hear and I'm glad that's you've shared your story with me as it sounds very similar, I was reading out some symptoms from here last night to my husband and he said that I've definitely been going through this for sometime, I'm the youngest of my friends and haven't told them all as I don't think they'll understand, I have been quite moody which isn't me but out of all the many symptoms the two worst ones are the flushes and my breasts are aching, I do appreciate your support thank you. Xx
beth86610 victoria1516
victoria1516 beth86610
Gillian1956 victoria1516
YES it's all great comfort to know we can snuggle talk to the lovely lady so. THIs forum