
Posted , 5 users are following.

juat wanted to say thank you to you all for being so open about your symptoms.

i have had several 'episodes' I. The last few months, and hadn't a clue what it was. To be honest thought it was a problem with my heart.

a strange feeling comes over me, I feel warm, tingly, lightheaded, my limbs feel heavy and I have palpitations , then am left feeling shattered!!!! 

Im 47 and haven't been to docs yet, bit scared about what he wil say,is this how you all started? 

Any advice about vitamins etc will be invaluable 

thank you 

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Gill

    peri is tough and post meno can have its moments too.

    i had a ten year peri and i am age 50 and 16 months post meno, and still get a blip day, where i can feel tired, and abit faint etc..

    its a long road or can be for some ladies keep positive as it helps no end ..

    eat healthy and be kind to yourself.. 

    Maca 5.1 capsules helped me alot in early peri i still take them 

    amongst other things..

    you will along the way find what supplements and Vits work better for you, they dont all suit all ladies, we are all so different at the end of the day.. 


    • Posted

      Thanks jay, I have a list of supplements advised by ladies on this forum, maca 5.1 is one of them,where do you get it from?

      gill x

  • Posted

    Hi Gill. Seek out JayneeJay on here. She is a font of knowledge about natural supplements. Many of us on here have taken her advice and take B6, B12 and vit E to help with peri symptoms and personally, I've found they have helped. Of course, HRT is always an option but, from what I hear, it delays the menopause so you'll end up having to go through it at some stage. You might as well get it over and done with now and look forward to your 50s feeling healthier. I think there are significant health risks with HRT as well, which is why I prefer the natural route. The menopause is a natural process so I don't see the need for medicine to intervene.

    For me, my symptoms began at around 37 when I noticed a change 'down below'. Won't go into the details but, after that, I didn't notice anything major until about 3 years ago, at 45, when my hands and feet felt kind of floaty and uncoordinated. Then the hot flushes and insomnia began, along with a slight change in my periods, so I knew peri menopause was most likely the cause of all my symptoms. Then I had anxiety to a level that was almost debilitating but the vitamin supplements seem to have helped with that. I do still get anxious but nothing like before. I've also had IBS and muscle twitching, all of which seem to have eased since taking the supplements. Incidentally, I also take magnesium but it's important you do your research and take what's right for you. What works for one person might not work for someone else.

    There is a list on here somewhere called '66 symptoms of perimenopause'. You will be surprised how many of the symptoms you have experienced.

    Good luck. Hope you feel better soon x 

  • Posted

    Hi Gill, welcome! Janeejay is the expert here, follow her postings and you will do fine. Funny, for me too it started with a "heart atack" sensation that took me to the doctor.  I had skipped only one period.  Then I developed other anoying symptoms. There is a list in someplace in this website. To make the long story short, the first 6 months were the worst, but after that things started getting better.  

    Brace yourself, things can be easier for some but if they get rough at least you know what is happening, most of us did not know, as ME! Besides, you will find lots of good info in here...

    Good luck!


  • Posted

    You should go to your doctor, I don't know what your symptoms are but in my case what i thought was menopause turned out to be heart. I have since descovered that oestrogen protects your heart and when oestrogen goes down during menopause you are at more risk. I am only 51 and in general good health, although stressed, and the last thing I expected was a heart condition.

    The doctor can quickly take an ecg in the surgery to check that the electrical signals in your heart are OK to rule out any problems with your heart. Or, as in my case, send you for further tests if the ecg shows a problem.

    PLEASE don't delay, and dont feel embarrassed. Whatever the outcome, it will NOT be a waste of time.

    If you want to know the difference between a Hollywood heart attack andwhat really happens when your heart is struggling, google 'Heart Sisters'.

  • Posted

    Hi gill

    yes i do agree, a doctors check is a good idea, check your bloods too etc..

    Jay x

  • Posted

    Thanks ladies, had my bloods done at beginning of last year, and nothing showed up, haven't been brilliant today, am going to docs tomoro 
  • Posted

    This probably sounds like a silly question, but it's one I don't know the answer of.....

    lim waiting for my blood results to come back, but, does it show peri Menapause or just menopause itself?

    if she turns round and says everything is fine, what then?

    i will obviously ask her, but better to be pre armed



    • Posted


      Before puberty: 0 - 4.0 mIU/ml

      During puberty: 0.3 - 10.0 mIU/ml

      Women who are still menstruating: 4.7 - 21.5 mIU/ml

      After menopause: 25.8 - 134.8 mIU/ml

    • Posted

      Just a heads up, if your still having pretty regular periods, then likely the FSH blood test will come back normal..

      not until you decline to about 3 - 4 periods a year will it be menopause range .

      that happened to me, although was still in peri ..

      in peri the hormones are so erratic that you could get different results every day ... 

      Hopefully you will get the result you want if your periods are in minimum mode and you havent had any HRT or contraceptive Pill in last few months 

      hope that helps 


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