The bottom of the feet

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Hi there i am still having some palpitations but I also have another problem the bottom of my feet are swollen and they hurt to walk on barefoot and sometimes in shoes my left is the worst right now since that one has the plate eight screws and a pin in it. I do a lot of walking and am in pain and having palpitations while on the go at times. 

Does anyone have this besides me and the tiredness is there too

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Susan, sorry to hear about your feet! How awful! Can't say if that is hormonal related or not. We certainly deal with aches and pains going through the change. If you have pins put in maybe thete is some inflammation going on? Did you try taking an inflammatory like Motrin? You may want to see your doctor. Take care hun...
  • Posted

    Hey Susan I have a problem with my left leg and ankle swelling and at times the bottom of my foot feels that way. My right one does it a little but nothing like my left one it stands out in the crowd. Its been doing this for 2 yrs now. I know I have good liver and kidney function. My doctor has done labs. He thought it might be due to my under active thyroid but now that its under control he just scratches his head.I guess I need to go to a vascular doctor it doesn't bother me at all its just big and ugly and not knowing what's causing it sends me into panic attack. Hope your feet get better soon.
  • Posted

    Hi Susan, I realized I have plantar fasciitis which caused a lot of pain in my feet.

    I don't know if it is the same. I know my mother has it too. I became very anemic last year, and then it hurt really badly. Now I am taking iron supplements and they don't hurt so much. I did learn some stretches just by googling.

    I just thought I should mention it.

    • Posted

      Thank you i'm not anemic but I wonder if thats why i have palpitations because maybe i am a little anemic i will see 

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