The colour of our eyes!

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I was just reading another ladies discussion on eye problems and i was just wondering if our eye colour made certain symptoms worse, for example i have got blue eyes and very light sensitive and i did read lighter eyes are more prone to certain problems, my darker eyed friends didnt need for example reading glasses like i did as soon as i reached fifty! They dont seem to complain of eye problems in menopause as much as myself, I was just wondering what about you other ladies and your eye colour x

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi eye colour dark brown and very light sensitive.

    Needed reading glasses age 42. Dry itchy eyes and often pain behind them.

    A bit of improvement to their dryness (in fact all dry parts lol) with HRT.

    I've had light sensitive eyes since I was at school.

    My mum died aged 68 and didn't need reading glasses. My Dad got his first pair aged 62.

    Myself and my husband (he needed reading glasses aged 44) wonder if the need for reading glasses is happening younger because of computers?

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    When I studied iridology I was taught that blue eyed people were more prone to allergies, and brown eyed people were prone to gastrointestinal issues.  
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      Not so true. I have blue eyes. Sensitive but don't have allergies, but more gastrointestinal issues.
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      i think you would have to take it on a wider group of people, not just an individual basis.  It would also depend on where you live as well I guess. smile
  • Posted

    Hi Pinkcatfairy,  I too have always heard light eyed people had more eye sensitivity, but I am a dark eyed woman, and have always had super sensiitive eyes.  My Mom is also super dark eyed...almost black, and her eyes have always been very sensitive as well.  So, I am thinking it is a old wives tale.  My eyes are more of a hazel green/brown, and I am as white skined as can be, with dark mostly grey hair.  Now, my hubby is blue eyed, blond/grey hair, and his eyes are not sensitive at all.  He has no problem with having his eyes dilated, and I and done for the entire day.  Go figure!  rolleyes
  • Posted

    Oh interesting ladies thanks for your reply, all myvdark eyed menopausal friends must just be lucky then lol, it was just a thought really as my eyes really have changed since menopause!! Xx
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    I was at he Opticians 2 weeks ago. While we were chatting he confirmed to me something I had heard long ago. Pale coloured eyes (blue and, like mine, grey-green) are generally more light-sensitive.

    I once tried contact lenses and it was like wearing 2 Polo mints one my eyes - a bit like thiseek. lol

    Colour does not just affect us humans. White cats are prone to skin cancer and are often deaf (not a hard and fast rule, but higher than average). Grey horses are often the look-outs in a herd as it is believed they have better eyesight. Chestnut horses are often more 'flighty' as their skin is more sensitive, (bit like firey Redheads?) All fascinating stuff.

    • Posted

      Lol two polo mints! Yes i jusy wondered about it because my dark eyed fellow friends in meno didnt seem to have eye problems like me, but in some cases what i have heard on here, it does affect some darker eyed women! Interesting stuff about the horses too! Xx

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