The dreaded weight!
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So just been to the doc for a review after my first 3 months on HRT. I'm reasonably happy with the HRT (supported by regular acupuncture) and haven't really had any side effects.
However .... my doc took me to task over my weight. I'm 5ft 10in and weigh 14 stone (wear UK size 14/16). I know I've put weight on in the last year (mainly before I went on HRT when my peri symptoms started in ernest) but that has been exacerbated by a flare up of an underlying medical condition that prevents me exercising.
I'm now able to exercise gently again in small doses so am hoping that will help, and my diet is seriously restricted by IBS so I definitely don't overeat, but the doc made me feel SO bad about myself. And he then offered me antidepressants ... which have a side effect of weight gain!!!!
Any ideas how to deal with this?
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dawn70425 Klp77
Hi there, bloody docs make me mad when they go on about weight, I’m same as you, 14st, and tall, I see a lot of other woman around that are much, much bigger then me, so WHAT is it with docs... I put more weight on when I started the menopause 4years ago ( I’m 53 ) and Iv got a lot of health issue, where I can’t exercise like I use to..
Me, they can go and stuff them self, can’t be bothering with what they say, as got enough going on in my life with health as it is ..
I’m on antidepressants ( Prozac ) and for ME to be honest it wasn’t this that as put any weight on me at all... just the dam menopause..
So wish these doc would just give us a break.. big hug to you any way 🤗x
Klp77 dawn70425
Thanks for the response. Think I'll have to try and follow your lead and do what I can but try not worry too much. But it is SO annoying!
Guest Klp77
You are 5’10, your weight doesn’t sound so much. Most of my doctors didn’t even know the term perimenopause. Their job is to prescribe medications. Period. So annoying. Try not to let it get to you! ❤️
dawn70425 Guest
Well done for that Suzanne, you have hit it right on the head, for me I think woman look better in later life with some weight on them, as I think you look a lot older when your thinner, I’m not in my 20/30 now, so as long as I’m ok with it, then y do these bloody doc try to make us feel bad about our self, don’t we have enough going of as it is.. good on you, it’s great to here woman say what you did .. big hug to you and all the other ladies out there big or small 🤗x
Gypsy014 Guest
Wow Suzanne we sound alike could have written this myself! So please tell me what do you eat now, I've lost so so much and can't lose anymore ive lost a total of 30 pounds... I stopped eating everything that bothers me gives me indigestion gas or I just plain feel like I can't breathe asthma maybe I don't know never had asthma before , anyways I don't know what to eat anymore I can't do gluten makes me really feel bad.. What about you any advice on this would be great.. And KLP please go tell that doctor where to go.. Wish we could give them doctors all our symptoms ugh, so frusterating...
Guest Gypsy014
I drink warm organic lemon water every morning, this helps alkaline the stomach. Chamomile tea, ginger tea, lemon balm tea. All great for stomach problems. Apples with almond butter is a good snack. I’ll have a salad every day with pepitas, cranberries, roasted butternut squash, goat cheese and a little olive oil. Little by little I added back other foods except for the ones I mentioned in the beginning. Antacids, especially PPI’s like Nexium are bad. It just keeps creating rebound acid.
Guest Klp77
Okay, where to begin... I'm 5'11" and have gained 30 pounds since having an ovary removed last year. I've had peri symptoms for about 3 years now, but they got much worse following the surgery - I'm 46, so it could just be how things were going to go, anyway. You mentioned having IBS and I have Crohn's disease, so I have some dietary restrictions, too. I'm not on HRT, though. Whenever I mentioned my concerns about weight gain and peri symptoms to my gyn and her nursing staff, they laughed it off or joked about it, and to be honest, that made me feel worse than I'd have felt if they had expressed concern about it! But maybe she just thinks it's normal. One of the nurses told me that the extra weight really doesn't show up that much on me because I am so tall, but my mom assured me that it does and I'm pretty miserable about how I look. I bought an exercise bike and get in all the walking and biking that I can, and I've made some helpful dietary changes, but I've also read here and elsewhere that it can be a bad idea to lose too much weight in peri because our bodies need the extra weight during this phase. I have to be careful about getting too much exercise, too, because I have arthralgia related to the Crohn's that is aggravated if I overdo it.
I wish I knew how to help. Maybe making healthy changes is worth it even if we don't lose much weight. I have to believe that eating healthier foods and cutting out a lot of the sugar that I was eating will do some good! I'm sorry that the doctor made you feel bad about yourself. Knowing what it's like to live with a digestive disease, I know you are doing the best you can under the circumstances and that is really all we can do.
Take care and keep posting!
Klp77 Guest
People who laugh about stuff like this really have no clue! I hope the changes you make help you - nothing worse than doing all you possibly can and seeing no results. 'Talking' to others on here is such a relief as it makes me realise its not just me being a freak of nature. Thanks so much to everyone for taking the time to respond x