The dreaded weight gain
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Hi guys, just letting of steam! It gets right on my nerves when experts tell us our weight gain is less to do with the menopause and more to do with age/sedentary lifestyle etc. I started meno early and an 46 - having only 2-3 periods a year now. I have piled on 2 stone doing nothing different - if anything I am doing more exercise etc. My friends who are not yet menopausal, while some are slowly gaining, have not experienced this sudden weight gain whatsoever! Alongside all my other symptoms, I know my body, I've always been slim and this sudden gain is not just age or inactivity !!!
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Woo3353 cheryl1970
cheryl1970 Woo3353
I'm also trying to accept it, but it's so depressing. I wonder if the weight gain is permanent ?
DaisyDaze cheryl1970
I'm not really "accepting" it. I do not hide any more, but I'm not giving up either! Trying to reduce the amount I eat in hopes it will help.
Guest cheryl1970
Same here. Adding insult to injury, I went out to buy a new swimsuit this weekend. I knew that I'd gained a lot, but wow... going to be swimming a lot of laps this summer.
cheryl1970 Guest
Liz, did you gain it fairly quickly? The worst I felt was when I saw a picture of me and my friends last month and it just didn't look like me at all 😢
Guest cheryl1970
Yes, I've gained it very quickly. I look in the mirror and don't recognize myself. Six years ago, I weighed 40 pounds less than I do now; the perimenopausal symptoms started about three years ago but really took hold last year. Are you able to do vigorous exercise or do you find you have to pace yourself more than before?
cheryl1970 Guest
I'm walking mainly - I try to do at least 2-3 miles per day. I tried a running programme but my knees and ankles hurt too much. I literally wake up every morning and ache all over. I have osteopenia (2 points off osteoporosis) so I have been told walking is the best.
Guest cheryl1970
d19606 cheryl1970
cheryl1970 d19606
You seem to be feeling a lot like I do. I've aged ten years in the last 18 months. Insomnia, low bone desnsity and everything aches. I feel like any looks I had are fading rapidly and my personality is fading with it. I really can't seem to shift this blasted weight though!
Guest d19606
Guest cheryl1970
I have a GI checkup in 3 weeks that is freaking me out simply because I know they'll weigh me! Total anxiety over that. Crazy, isn't it?
DaisyDaze cheryl1970
I get that. If I could just lose this weight, I would be so much happier. I'm happy now, but that would be really nice to reach in my closet and grab anything to wear. Now I struggle to find something that fits.
cheryl1970 Guest
I guess we are all in the same boat! All feeling very similar. One doc recently told me it's more my sedentary (or I read it, lazy) lifestyle to blame than my hormones and I nearly bit her head off! I know full well it's the menopause that's accelerated this. She only looked about 25 ... I'm sure she'll realise how I felt when the time comes for her lol 😄
Guest cheryl1970