The making of Peri !!!
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Cannot believe how awful I feel everyday. Each day adds a new ingredient 😔. Horrendous migraines and tension heads, dizzy spells, weird mouth sensations, fatigue, anxiety, nausea (OMG nausea !!!), sore nipples (sorry tmi) and NOW my vision All the ingredients to the perfect Peri. Anyone want to contribute feel free ? 🤷???
4 likes, 31 replies
inge22601 fiona66001
I know!! Now that you mention my mouth tastes like metal some days?? I also found now that I read about your vision that mine has gone worse and I'll soon have to get new glasses.... Honestly I'm 52 and some days feel 70!!!! When does this end???? I'm in my 3rd month of this!!!
lisa97672 fiona66001
Hi It's been hell. I differ with anxiety and panic attacks. Insomnia on occasion. As in last night. Joint pains also. Nausea on occasion just for fun. It really is so tiring sometimes. Try to laugh as best you can and keep busy. I find 2 glasses of wine at end of day are a great help for me. All the best. Your not alone
2chr2015 fiona66001
michelleds fiona66001
Yep, totally know what you're going through, unfortunately. UGH. I felt like that every day this summer. I'm pleased to say that I've felt "normal" for the last 5 days-- yes, 5 whole days, whoopeee LOL
I look back and realize this peri-meno has been building since my mid-40's, getting progressively worse, so at almost 54 years old, I feel like I've paid my dues and deserve a break. HA, nature surely has other plans, right?
Hang in there.
Mrsgm fiona66001
You forgot hot sweats night and day!
Hang on in there. This is gonna be one hell of a ride! They say alcohol makes hot sweats worse? Mine cannot get worse so cheers 🍾
inge22601 Mrsgm
O dear one glass of wine and I'm on fire!!!!! And I don't really suffer from flushes but oh boy the vino!! ¡😂😂😂
dawn70425 Mrsgm
Hi mrsgm
Lol short but sweat, cheers 🍷To you as well, bad nite and day hot flushes, but sod it mine are just the same if drink or not lol... while going through the menopause crap, need some thing to look forward to, 🤗X
Mrsgm dawn70425
Exactly !!! If we didn't have a drink, we would still have the hot flush anyway so bottoms up I say!!!! My doc says I must try alternatives to hrt before I start it, well rose is my alternative 👍🏻
dawn70425 Mrsgm
Yeah my doc says not to drink... but life with menopause is crap, and I can't take HRT so a glass of what ever you fancy at the end of the day is great by me 😆X
Mrsgm dawn70425
One glass🤦🏻??? Bet your doctor is a man !!!
Hey I've just had a drink and no hot flush !!! Best have another 👌
dawn70425 Mrsgm
Lol love the way you are 🤗...
Yep doc is a man, but at 53 I'm enjoying a glass ( or2 )...
I use to be out every weekend with friends drinking and havin great time, but since menopause the woman I see in the mirror isn't me any more, I live on my own, so enjoy your yourself wen you can, its bad enough going through menopause😰, never mind stopping havin a drink all together ... you enjoy x
Mrsgm dawn70425
Hey I've just poured my 2nd glass of the evening, no sign of hot flush yet👌 Sure they will arrive in abundance with his mates about 2am. Bring it on ! Sleep is overrated anyway! (Only saying that as I'm off work this week) bet I won't be so blaze next week when I'm at work.
I'm going to try and ride this out, only because I don't like to give in.
Yes this is a horrid time but if we all got each other to help us through! We can do this !!!
dawn70425 Mrsgm
Total right, at least we can smile at times through this😁 By being on here and havin a laugh with each other...
Docs next week to see what blood test says how far in to the menopause I'm at lol.... don't know what it should mean?? Or how you know your nearing the end lol ?? Been around 4 years since started havin this crap so 🤞Crossed...
Still on the first glass🍷I some times think I should stay awake at nite, then sleep in the day mite work 😂 enjoy your drinks x2 lol 👍 X
Mrsgm dawn70425
Oooo can you have a test to see how far your into it?????
My last blood test said my fsh level was 200. God knows what that means but judging by my hot flushes I gather I'm into it!!!!
dawn70425 Mrsgm
Lol well I'll tell you next week, wen I see my doc and whats it all means, not that he will do any thing other then say Iv just got to get on with it, so Iv heard if your period as stopped for 1 year then your over and done, I had my last period in march this year...
Knowing my luk I'll get to 11 month and have a period again😡.. then have to start again..
But we will see, must admit be nice to get my life back on track again and actually feel ME ..,
Its Aurtum and I'm still walking around in a t-shirt because hot sweats, every one eles is wrapped up in coats and scarfs, some one ask me if I was in my hot blood on Monday because I had t-shirt on 😆 Lol.. noooooo just that time of life haha x
2chr2015 dawn70425
dawn70425 2chr2015
Hi 2chr
Yep if there's nothing eles to cheers us up, at least we all know what we are going through on here, and have a smile now and a gain 😁X
2chr2015 dawn70425
dawn70425 2chr2015
Hiya babe... yeah I was there yesterday, and I'm in full swing of the menopause 😌..
As I can't take HRT he just said sit it out lol, my last period was march this year, and he just said if no period by April next year then you will be through the other side, but he did admit that he can't understand how I feel being a man lol...
So that's that I suppose.. I tell you what, because I can't sleep at nite, I decided to try some herbal sleep tablets, and they say not to drink with them, well taking the tablets on its own did not work for me at all, so through sod it, bad enough going through this crap, I fancy a drink and I tried the sleeping tablets again ( only had one glass) but wow I had a good nite sleep lol, when I did wake in the nite I was straight back to sleep, where's b4 I just laid awake every nite.... so whoope I can have a drink still knowing I will get to sleep when I'm ready, no side effects at all next day 😆 Great for ME ...
How's things with you ?? 🤗Xx
2chr2015 dawn70425
Congrats on the good nights sleep! Seriously, I hope that will work often enough for you. I had a whole pantry of different sleep teas and none of them worked. Maybe I should try some tablets, but I don't drink. I'm mostly struggling with gallbladder issues right now. Get that fixed and then maybe move on to my neck Bc my fingers keep falling asleep at night. What's next?