The mind goes wild during menopause!!!! Need to talk!
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Does anyone feel like they just want to run away? My job and my coworkers are getting on my nerves(I don't like my job, but I like my coworkers). I'm also feeling paranoid like I might get fired(I know this is not true). I feel worthless like life is passing me by.
?Also does anyone feel like they are going insane or dying? I try to help myself by praying, exercising, drinking plenty of water, taking a multivitamin, garlic oil, fish oil, D3 and I'm going to start taking turmeric, it's supposed to help with a lot of things but I want to take it because it is a anti inflammatory and also helps with anxiety(I hope to be able to get off the antidepressant).
?I'm taking a mild antidepressant called Trazodone, and I have Valium for the really rough days(I only take it about twice a week anyway). Sometimes I can go for a week and feel "normal", no dark thoughts, just happy and looking forward to the future and then boom! The craziness is back! I can't imagine how I would feel if I were not doing the few things I'm doing. I have crazy thoughts like I'm going to kick the bucket before I have a chance to live out at least most of my dreams(I try to pray those thoughts away). Anyway sorry this is so long, I just wish I felt more like me again!!
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gailannie juanita93228
Hi Juanita,
Life sure does change, doesn't it? If I remember this correctly, you tried HRT and had a horrible time with it.
I think one of the worst things about menopause, is our loss of self. Things that used to roll off our backs, just don't any more. We feel completely different both inside and out.
I sure wish I had something good to offer beside emotional support. Just know you aren't alone, or crazy. It sounds like you're trying to do all the right things to support your body. I'm just not sure we'll every feel like our "old self" after menopause. I miss that girl too!
juanita93228 gailannie
Thank you gailannie. Yes, HRT and I don't play well together. I can't believe you remembered that!
?The emotional support is VERY important to me.
Guest juanita93228
Hi Juanita, I can't say it any better than Gailannie did... it sounds like you are doing everything you can to support yourself. I miss myself, too, but sometimes I catch glimpses of who I used to be. It would help if the fog in our minds would lift and give us more room to breathe. I keep hoping things will be better someday. Wishing you all the best. Take care.
juanita93228 Guest
Bassilli juanita93228
juanita93228 Bassilli
Kim1971 juanita93228
Omg this is exactly how I feel.although i love my boss called me in today because I've not been myself.i cried as usual.i hate this feeling.anxiety is mental.horrible normally happy but am so miserable x
Guest Kim1971
Hi Kim, I worry that this could happen to me, too. I'm the oldest employee in my group and tend to worry that some of the others don't like working with me. Anxiety is so awful. I do as much as possible to be part of the group, but it's mostly young men and we just don't have much in common. Hoping things get better for you very soon and I'm sorry about your meeting; I've cried once in front of my manager and know how awful that feels. Take care and here's a hug (((Kim))).
Kim1971 Guest
Aww thank you hun it's awful isn't it bloody men don't have to do this lol onwards and upwards isn't it 😀😀
juanita93228 Kim1971
I detest my job(I didn't use to). Read my reply below to see how that hot mess is going. Lol
Guest juanita93228
LOL... work and menopause are indeed a hot mess! 🤣
kelly55079 juanita93228
Yes,... my mind is going crazy too. I'll be doing good then out of nowhere I'll feel tired and weak which lasts for a few weeks. Or anxiety will come about and I'll get freaked out about work or something.. And yes, (not sure if being married is the problem) but there are times where I just want to get away or dream about my life being single and older which means no one can bother me!! : ) Yes, I too try just about everything so that I can get back to normal-- swimming helps me especially my feet but I don't always want to go..
juanita93228 kelly55079
I know right? I have to make myself go to the gym. My work life is pretty crappy right now. I don't what happened. But what can I do? Right now I have to work. I dream of retirement EVERY day. Lol
Thank you for replying ladies. I have a job where I'm on call(but I very rarely get called out). But my Supervisor just informed me to be prepared to be called out tomorrow night(Friday)and that it would be late like after midnight. While this was okay when I started this job and was younger and full of hormones, I just find myself wanting to quit. It seems like this week my Supervisor had been doing little things to get me to quit. I did have a meltdown Tuesday and threatened to resign(she didn't seem to care). I have never been trained properly for my job and I have never felt I was good at it. Now at 58 I don't want to have to get out of bed at 2am, or in this case I have no idea when they might call so basically I will have to stay dressed tomorrow night and not go to bed.
?I'm so close to resigning, but I can't afford to right now. It's just weird it's happening now VICE has NEVER called us out. I'm Victim Advocate by the way, a very burned out one. She and this other coworker are friends and I mentioned to her how burned out I was and now I think she's just doing things to just push me out the door, because I'm sure she told her about how burned out I am and they don't need a burned Victim Advocate working here. Just thinking about being called out gives me heart palps and a queasy stomach.
?You ladies have just helped me so much. Between, God, you ladies, and a new male friend(we decided to be friends first and if turns romance fine)who actually listens to me and makes me laugh, I'll be able to make it through this. Okay, rant over. For now, Lol
Guest juanita93228
juanita93228 Guest
Yes. I totally get it. Women should be able to retire with a full pension and paid medical when they begin perimenopause/menopause. I've been looking for another position, but at 58 it's hard.
Guest juanita93228
Agreed! It's not easy at 47, either. It would be wonderful to have these years just to focus on being well.
sarah05599 juanita93228
Yes totally!! I was thinking this other day how are we meant to go on like this till we r 68 when struggling so much in our forties/fifties . I detest my job to and I'm only part time I work with mostly middle aged men and one that's only 23 how the hell can any of them relate to what I'm going through!! They just totally make me angry and feel even worse when I'm there, lonely and isolated and the jobs so stressful, today I felt ok for once but within an hr I felt awful again as had to cover for 23 yr old it's tough doing my own job like this let alone 2 ppls 😞
Guest sarah05599
sarah05599 Guest
Hi Liz
Yes I dream of retiring to but I'm 50 and have a long way to go and won't be able to retire earlier as money is tight. I feel I won't even be able to find another job either as who's gonna want a 50 year old peri menopausal women working for them so feel trapped and it all just makes me feel worse.
Guest sarah05599
Sarah, I definitely relate. I have to get in 30 years with my employer to get full retirement benefits and I’m in year 15. As you say, money is tight. We have to keep going even though it’s hard sometimes. I am my sole support and hope my health holds up so I’ll make the 30. These days, though, it seems likely to have to work longer. Know that you’re not alone. 🌸
sarah05599 Guest
Thanks Liz ?? the thought of 18 more years like this though fills me with dread as I dread the future as it is should be looking forwards to it not dreading how I'll end up if this carries on.
Guest sarah05599
Understood. 🌸