The subject that can’t be discussed ....
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Just went On the patch and have a friend who’s on one too. Trying to ask her about it and it’s like I’m asking for her bloody PIN number .
Why do women close off With regard to this subject ?
Don’t worry now I am more informed I will spread the word and will NEVER be like that.
2 likes, 23 replies
Nancy2121 lori93950
Don't understand why this topic is SO taboo, and why NO one has figured a cure yet. Or at least some "miracle" drug that can fix it, like any other condition! My life is turned upside down, as I'm sure many of you have felt. Life isn't fair. I get that. But THIS??!!
lori93950 Nancy2121
gilly_64426 Nancy2121
Because we are women, if men had to endure all the pain we have to go thru, I'm sure their would be a miracle pill😣
gilly_64426 lori93950
I know what you mean lori, i have a certain sister in law, that swears she has no symptoms, yet her husband Tell us different.
I think some women think it's a sign of aging 😑
menopolized lori93950
Yes its such a no no boss (woman) was so bored when i spoke about my health issues.....she said - " oh the aging process"
gilly_64426 menopolized
Your boss, thinks she is a man😁, she does not get any of these symptoms right 😉I'm sure she has her days?
If she has kids, she uses them as the excuse not to come in the office, they are sick 😉 all the time it's her🤔just saying
mrs_susan74280 lori93950
Kazjo lori93950
Cosmic joke, more like! Without a punchline...
Gypsy014 lori93950
Hi Lori, your absolutely right !!! This subject is NOT talked about enough, not only does it need to be taught and discussed with young girls by their moms and grandmas aunts ECT.. It needs to be taught and discussed in high school in health class , all about the end of menstration, after all we are taught all about the beginning, the end to me couldn't be anymore important.. And doctors need more teaching on this as well.. None of it is fair, its like a big slap in the face... This time of life I had no clue of, and it hit me like a mac truck!!!!
sarah05599 lori93950
Yeah agree totally, and what about female docs/nurses of a certain age( not sure what younger ones are like) as my experience with 2 at my surgery has left me bewildered and angry 😠
sarah05599 lori93950
Yeah agree totally, and what about women docs and nurses of a certain age to(can't comment on younger ones), 2 at my docs made me feel bewildered and angry 😠
Edell7329 lori93950
I don't know, but I don't know anyone except you wonderful.ladies that will discuss it. I have no one to talk to except on here. My husband tries to be understanding but I can tell.he is tired of hearing it. I don't blame him. I'm sick of myself. My mom listens but she just didn't have it like i have it and she tries to psychoanalyst me. My friends don't seem to have any symtpoms. I just mostly keep to myself about it but then I just burst out in tears when i get home or sometimes in the bathroom at work. I am the bread winner and carry the health insurance so that is extra pressure. I don't know how long I can keep doing this job. I work in retail so I am dealing with people all day and I find myself full of rage even when they are being perfectly fine. The only relief is coming in this site and praying. God has helped me so much and I have to keep relying on him cause I feel like I'm going to snap somedays.
lori93950 Edell7329
Yes ! I’m sick of myself too and like you nobody around me going through the same thing . How do we explain what it’s like ? I can say I’m dizzy fatigued blue moods and just don’t feel like I’m in my own body or have control . But unless you’re going through this you’ll never understand . Don’t know how you and the other ladies keep a job during this difficult time ... I can barely function .
juanita93228 Edell7329
You sound like me, except I don't have a husband. My sister's are both older and went through menopause before me, but assured me that when the time came I would have someone to talk to. NOT! My oldest acts like she breezed through it (she's 71) and the other one (she's 67) refuses to talk about it because "it was a very dark period of her life". One day about two or three years ago I was having a panic attack and she got angry and yelled "for God sake just take your Ativan'! I was trying to talk to her about my feelings the other day and she said to me "aren't you through that(menopause)yet"?(I am 58). My Lord she can't even say the word! So I have NO support but for God and you ladies. I came to my symptoms late. I breezed through peri and had such a high level of estrogen I had no menopause symptoms until 2014(had my last period in 2010). When my levels dropped l thought I was losing my mind! I too still work, I called in sick yesterday because I didn't want to deal with people. I have been taking off and calling in sick a lot. That is not me. But at this point I am single so all the bills fall on me. I would love to retire and become a freelance wedding photographer, which is really what I want to do.
I'm not on Ativan anymore, my new doctor prescribed Valium as she feels it's less addictive and when the time comes it will be easier to wean me off. I only take it during desperate times anyway. (((((hugs))) to you my dear.
mauiblue lori93950
Its very much the same for me. you try and talk to people about hormones or menopause/perimenopause and they shut down. It has a stigma and its associated with instability etc.
I also think that women dont like to talk about what creates any sort of anxiety in their lives and it scares them.
If your asking a woman who is post meno and is past it then she often doesnt want to be reminded again because it was such a horrible experience. Like a bad dream they dont want to relive.
I say 'ridiculous' we need to be informed, educated, made aware, not in denial.