8 Replies

  • Posted

    I’ve now been on hrt for 4/5 months and my most recent tablets 2 months. I’m so hoping I see a change soon as at the moment the night sweats and insomnia are debilitating and I’m realky struggling. Can anyone else tell me how long it will be before I see a difference as I really feel I’m losing the plot 
    • Posted

      Hi Samantha...I've been on bhrt for 19 months. I have mine as a troche and it's been adjusted a few times to get me where I am now. I went through the hot flashes, nausea, exhaustion, body odor, etc but the worst thing for me by far was the horrendous mood issues. Depression with dark obsessive thoughts being the worst to the point where I questions if I could go on and also anxiety and anger. It's been a very gradual improvement with setbacks along the way. I know some women have instant results but a lot don't too. I am extremely fortunate to have an extraordinary doctor but I've also had to be completely honest about how I've felt, even if it has sounded crazy. He uses my symptoms with my blood work to decide on what to give me and I finally feel as though I have my life back.

      There will be a few more hick ups for me I'm sure, but I know now that they will pass. Just be patient and be determined. Nobody ever told me it would be this hard. Its the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with.

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply. Tbh before I went onto hrt I thought I was either having some sort of breakdown or had  early onset dementia. I never ever imagined that going through the menopause would be this hard. I feel like I’ve totally changed as a person mentally and physically. I’ve got to go back to see my doctor in a few weeks so hoping he will be able to offer some other options. Sorry to hear how hard things have also been for you. I’ve suffered depression most of my life so I know where you are coming from. I’m sure it also helps that you have a doctor that seems to understand and want to help you. It helps me greatly to be able to come onto here and talk just to know I’m not the only one that feels they are going mad most days 
    • Posted

      It's so important we share our experiences and again just be very patient with your progress. I've actually started a new job which I love so I know I'm heading in the right direction. It's been very slow, about 2 years now but my old self is coming back. If you ever want to chat or ask me anything please don't hesitate.


  • Posted

    I'm 56 and started HRT 10MTHS AGO ....my biggest problem before was my constant UTIs and constant urinating.

    I can day honestly within hrs of putting the patch I started to feel more comfortable.

    I'm quite lucky I didn't have huge symptoms ...hotter and moody ..but IV always been moody and I. Always had bouts of depression. .. so I can't blame everything on the menopause.

    And oddly enough since entering Into full menopause my depression lifted ....I think my attitude of what the hell I'm getting older and I just don't stress about the things I used to!?

    I fully appreciate I'm v lucky.aly

    • Posted

      Which HRT are you on, I am starting to wee more, feeling of a blown out feeling when weeing, hrt makes me angry, don't no why , also burning in legs, hot flushes,

    • Posted

      Hi Susan sorry to hear your not feeling good X

      I'm on Evorel Sequi patches I do get a period that gets me down and I still get the odd fatigued days that I find difficult to deal with...but I get some great full of energy days to doing try and save myself...I have a manual cleaning job to! So I can get tired...but on a plus side I'm in good shape and healthy x

  • Posted

    Thanks for the attached link and NICE guidelines. Very informative. These guidelines should empower all of us to initiate constructive discussion with our doctors. If we believe they are not listening! 

    I encourage everyone to take the time to open this link and read the information. As individuals we need to be well informed. It clearly reminds doctors that care must be individualised!eand to tailor treatment to their needs 

    To all you wonderful ladies out there going through this topsy turvy  time do hang in there and continue to share and gain collective support. It does get better but sometimes it is so hard to envisage that things can improve. I have been on this journey the last 14 years and still have the odd not so good and still taking hrt with the support  of my GP  after unsuccessfully trying to get off the Livial last year. it was a fail as symptoms were back with a vengeance. 

    So there is definitely no right or wrong length of time for HRT,

    have a nice weekend everyone.

    lots of hugs



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