these post meno gastro issues are causing me so much anxiety
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Hi all 60 years old and post meno 9 years and still dealing with a constant upset stomach these last few weeks and it's causing severe anxiety I have been checked out and everything is fine but have this constant upset in my upper abdomen it's the slightest vague burn I am on Losec for reflux so it's not reflux and gaviscon isn't helping either. Any ideas I have had the morning nausea for a few weeks which seems to be getting better again just need to get rid of this indigestion. It's there most of the time and when it intensifies my anxiety kicks into high gear. I'm open to any suggestions
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Zigangie paisleygirl
Hi paisleygirl,
I had a lot of stomach issues. Reflux queasy upset stomach.
I was put on lansoprazol. It didn't stop the attacks just cut down on the amount of times I had it.
I did some research and found ginger recommended.
Two ginger capsules 1/2 an hour before meals and ginger tea made with fresh ginger after food.
This did more for the reflux and nausea than medications.
paisleygirl Zigangie
Hi Zigangie thanks for the reply I am sipping a ginger/lemon tea as I type this. I have had this ongoing for years with a touch of gastritis. I am on losec for reflux and would love to come off of them as I've been on them for years. At this point I am feeling the very slight upset and slight burning high up in the abdomen most of the day of course then I get anxious and it intensifies. The morning nausea seems to be getting less now. I love my coffee but have made the decision to stop coffee for a bit and see if that will help me also. Someone suggested Charcoal as well so will try them as well. I love ginger so will get some capsules also
jess101 paisleygirl
It's Jess again here Paisleygirl..... As well as the charcoal I also found a few teaspoonsful of natural yogurt every morning helped.
paisleygirl jess101
metamorphed paisleygirl
i had to give up coffee and tea and this has really helped. I now have decaf tea only, but still can't manage coffee whether decaf or not. Horrible to have to give up something you love but its better than constant stomach upset. hope this helps.
paisleygirl metamorphed
Hi metamorphed yes I am thinking I need to give up my tea and coffee and also the wine ....any wine really kills me so that is now gone too sadly
? but I can't keep drinking these things if they are hurting me I'd rather be pain free
pinkcatfairy paisleygirl
I had gastitis, which in turn causes heartburn and nausea, I was put on Omeprezole for a while then zantac it took some weeks to clear, obviously cutting out fatty foods, caffeine and alcohol x
paisleygirl pinkcatfairy
hi Pinkcatfairy thanks for your reply yes I am thinking my couple of coffees a day isn't helping me so am cutting out the coffee for a bit to see ...I love my red wine but only have that sparingly as it causes me tons of issues might have to cut that out entirely too I think. I've been on the Omeprezole for a very long time but I believe it isn't good to keep taking for extended periods of time so hope to be able to come off them but will have to wean myself off of them. I have read that virgin coconut oil also has great reviews for helping with digestion and stomach ailments so will give that a go as well
pinkcatfairy paisleygirl
Sochima822 paisleygirl
Hi paisley, I had the same issue, it was because of drinking coffee. Two things happened, drinking regulat coffee was giving me the upper g.i stomach pain from acid reflex. Then I came across an article about how coffee causes acid build up, but that espresso doesn't so I switched to espresso, adding milk to it, and my acid reflux went away. Then started drinking regular coffe again because company I worked at didn't have espresso, and the pain came back. So I went online for a natural cure, and found that cabbage juice & celery clears it up. So I started juicing cabbage and pain is now completely gone. If you're interested look it up on youtube in Cabbage juice for ulcers or cure stomach ulcers using cabbage juice. Hope this helps.
paisleygirl Sochima822
I'll check the cabbage juice out thanks so much
Yellow88 paisleygirl
Hi some very interesting tips here!
I've had a 'delicate' digestion all my life and am going through a rough patch atm.
Try figs everyone! Yes the ready to eat ones you can get from health shops or supermarkets. I once read that they contain an enzyme that aids digestion - they certainly work for me. I chew well on one to three spread throughout the day and it just seems to relax all that tension and discomfort inside. Hope that helps too.
paisleygirl Yellow88
Wow thanks for this info I'll give it a try