Thickened uterus wall 11mm?

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I'm in need of a story with a success rate for someone with similar issues. Two years post menopause, i started brown spotting. Then 2 months later, i had a regular period and afterwards started the brown spotting again & it's been on and off for 3 months. The lining size went from 4mm to 11mm during that time. The gyno scared me so badly because she said it's a sign of cancer. I also have 2 tiny fibroids and a cyst. I would appreciate some support but the truth. If you or someone you know had similar issues, was or wasn't it cancer or was it something else? My doctor is useless she never calls me back. Thanks in advance.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Dev.... I am very sorry you’re going through this difficult time. I can’t imagine the range of emotions you’re having. Are you able to find another doctor, that is more responsive, that is terrible she’s not calling you back. Not trying to sound bossy pants, but that would be a red flag to me, to switch doctors. I do not have experience with this, but I am going to keep you in my prayers, seriously! i’m sure someone has had a similar experience on this forum. You can also search on this website, specifically for that. So if you don’t find someone with a similar experience here, try doing that, there might be a separate forum for that. I really don’t understand why she’s not calling you back, very insensitive and unprofessional, to say the least. I know it’s not easy finding doctors we are comfortable with, but the fact she isn’t even calling you back is discerning. I know it’s easy for me to say, but try not to let yourself be driven crazy with running different scenarios thru your head. That is so much easier said than done. Plus it could be like cancerous cells, which a gazillion women have had, and those can be removed with a simple procedure. Like 20 years ago, my doctor called me and said my Pap was like a level 3, and two days later, I had, I believe, it was called a cone biopsy? Knock Wood, it was all good. And honestly, through the years, I’ve heard many times of women having to have, is it called a DNC, and they were post menopause, I think this is very common. I know that’s different, but what I mean is, this could be something much less invasive , and she was using incorrect descriptions, to put it mildly. Please try your hardest, until you talk to the doctor, or find a new doctor, try to think of the best outcome. I know you will hear something from one of the girls here, everything will work out. Please keep us posted here, we are all here for you;) Sending caring thoughts your way.

    • Posted

      thank u for your reply u r right that the doctor is insensitive and i do thjnk its irresponsible she puts its all on the nurse. shes yrlling at me too u can tell shes frustrated. its going to take months before i can book another hysyeroscopy. and she can givr me anesthia unlike the other doctos opinion so im gknna just do that witg her but nithinf else and tell her how i feel

  • Posted

    hi dev i went through the same 7 years ago at 39 i wasnt menopausal thats only just started as i still have my ovaries,i was constant flooding my womb lining was so thick when i had a scan she thought i was on my period i also had fibroids and polops this did end up in an hysterectomy at 39 but no sign of cancer but the dr did say it can turn into cancer if it was left any longer and untreated so change drs and get the treatment needed, goodluck and big hugs x

  • Posted

    Hi Dev

    I am going thru the menopause. Bleeding on and off. My pap smear test result was inflammation, ultrasound measured my womb as 11mm, with 3 small fibroids. Went to see a male gynea. He said its normal to have thickness of the womb because of the fibroid and the menopause.

    They just want to monitor the situation every six months. I do get spotting from time to time. My doctor says it's the hormones from the menopause.

    I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but some doctors are very insensitive to their patient. Try seeing a private gynae. I would change my doctor if it was me.


    • Posted

      thank you for your words. how long have you gone without a period? im so nervous andnits so frustratinf that i cant even speak to my gyno about a test result.

  • Posted

    I've gone four months without bleeding, now it's every months. My consultant gynea who is also a surgeon tells me it's normal to have thick uterus with fibroids. I take naxopren when I get pains.

  • Posted

    oh so you aren't post menopause so that doesn't really relate to me. you are going to bleed still until you reach one year w/no period.

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