Things improving at last

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Hi ladies

I haven't been on here to write as much lately. However I've been reading everyone's stories. My heart goes out to all of you going through the anxiety/panic/low mood stage. 9 solid months of anxiety and panic and low mood. This stopped me from going anywhere and I definitely could never plan anything. I didn't want to do anything. I left my job last January as I couldn't cope.

9 months on things have improved a bit. I started a new job last week part time and I absolutely love it. Been out and about with my kids and husband and have been fine. I'm looking forward now where as before I didn't want the next day to come. I still have chronic headaches but have been told today that I'm having a mri scan of head and neck at last! Some of you know I am on HRT and it looks like it could be starting to work after adjusting it although not so good on the days of progesterone. It has taken months to accept that going through menopause is a natural thing and accept the really horrible days as there is only so much you can do. Eating properly and exercising as much as you can even if you just walk for 5 mins. It is hard to do but you can do it! Hugs everyone x

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle

    I'm really pleased for you that things are looking up for you. You've had a bad time these last few months. 

    I'm on my 4th patch of Evorel Conti so I guess to soon to tell if any different.

    I'm continuing with all my supplements for now as the flushes have stopped and feeling stronger.

    Hugs to you xx

    • Posted

      Hi Masie

      Do you mean a 4th different type of patch? I'm trying to stay positive and only think of the present time. This job is a retail job, only 12 hours a week and seeing a lot of people. It makes me think about other things and I'm enjoying it. Let's hope it continues. Utrogestan stage is still horrid though 😐

    • Posted


      It's the hrt patch I was prescribed last month but I didn't want to start it in the midst of my daughters wedding so I've waited till I felt in a calmer state of mind to start it. So far so good, I change it twice a week. 

      My sister didn't like the progesterone time of her hrt, she said it made her feel like she had bad pmt. Have you tried Vit B6 during that time, it may help.

      It does do us good to get out of the house and to work even for a short time and to be able to interact with other people. Congrats on the new job and hope you continue to enjoy it 💐

  • Posted

    I'm glad you are feeling better Michelle. I hope you continue to improve. Thanks for mentioning the 5min walk...sometimes I think why bother, but you are right every little bit does help. It's so darn hot here, I still have to drive to the gym

  • Posted

    i am glad you are feeling better! i needed to hear this, i am going thru the same thing. anxiety, hate leavinf the house. dont look forward to things anymore, dont want to talk to friends, i feel like a robot. just getting thru the days is all i can focus on and it makes me sad because i feel i am being robbed from time with my family. do you feel hrt helped you? does it help with the anxiety? the anxiety makes me feel as i am walking on a boat all the time, which makes my anxiety worse! i pray everynight that i will wake up back to normal. i wont even look at my memories on fb because it depresses me that i am not that person anymore. i feel like someone else and idk how to find my old self. the outgoing one, who enjoyed life and always wanted to go out and be on the go. now i am a hermit who some days has a hard time even talking to my kids due to anxiety sad

    • Posted

      Kim I was exactly the same. For a while I couldn't even drop my kids off as I would panic about driving and being out. I was constantly wired up with a fast heartbeat which the doctors gave me a low beta blocker for which took the edge off the anxiety. The HRT has helped I'm sure but took a while,I've recently changed to gel instead of a patch which is better. I cancelled appointments that I made and didn't meet up with my friends,i just couldn't do it due to anxiety. Perhaps try a beta blocker? I had a few sessions of cbt as well. I was rock bottom for months and thought I was loosing it. I try not to think about it. Take care xx

    • Posted

      so glad you are doing better. i decided last night while trying to shop at the mall for homecoming dress to call ob and try HRT. i have no familu history risk and im only 42 so i think i will be ok. do you know if when you stop you go thru it all over again? i also cant remember ANYTHING. i say weird things and mix up words and feel like my brain is on boring and dumb lol. i just cant think. did u feel this way? did hrt help this? i sometimes worry my mind is totally going
    • Posted

      Yes my mind was and sometimes still is like that. I would go in the next room and within seconds forget what I had gone there for.
    • Posted

      Oh Kim. You are not alone honey. I do not like shopping at all. I am dreading Christmas. I cancel dates too. Don't do fb anymore. It depresses me even more to see friends smiling and doing stuff! Ugh. Where are all the meno ladies. I am sure hiding, like me. I'm sure my neighbors think I am a hermit too or something is wrong with me mentally. Which is partially true. Lol. Praying for you

    • Posted

      i have been thinking same thing about christmas and i love christmas sad i was thinking will be a lot of online orders and prob will save money lol

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      do people ever talk to you and its like your brain isnt processing the words? sometimes i have to ask my kids to repeat themselves like they just spoke a foreign language. i am trying to not let it concern me
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle ,

    i am trying HRT for my anxiety and depression, at first it seemed to be working but now I'm back to usual down one minute in the depths of despair and up the next wondering what all the fuss is about. I don't know what is coming next, so pleased you can see light at the end of the tunnel, wish I could  x

    • Posted


      Are you taking a multi vitamin? Magnesium and Vit D3 have helped me. And passionflower

      Hope things settle for you soon

    • Posted

      Hi I'm taking a multi vitamin but at the moment I don't feel anything will help just feel I have to accept the highs and the lows and hope the lows don't over take the good days. Always open to ideas x

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