Think I’m dying
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So ive been awake most of the night with major anxiety . Finished my period on Saturday and since then have not felt right . Started with dizziness and feeling that I was going to pass out on numerous occassions on Sunday . Ive had this at different times before , but not on and off in one day. Then Monday my bowels were off and caused my pile to bleed , so now Im convinced thats cancer . Then it progressed from headache to migraine , loss of appetite , shaking , feeling really poorly . I cant help but think the worst . Im 52 and my periods started getting further apart last year but have gone back to regular ones often three weeks apart now . Blood tests havent shown up anything , so why do I feel like this ? Im getting worse , not better
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VAV2018 jane63977
Hi Jane.
I know the feeling of thinking that you're dying. It has happened to me several times, two of which where I ended up in the ER. I have also had fears of cancer and other diseases, especially when it's a bunch of things all happening at the same time. Breathing exercises have been a life saver for me when all of those horrible symptoms come to a head. I, too, have had normal tests up to this point. If it helps at all, just know that you're not alone in your suffering. Each day, sometimes each minute, is different. Thankfully you're part of an online group of women who are in the same boat and are here to offer support. Hang in there!
beverley58530 jane63977
hi Jane63977, don’t worry, you’re not alone. I have felt like this for the past three or four years. All blood tests come back normal but I feel grim. I have finally gone onto fluoxetine and my doctor is talking about HRT even though I had a hysterectomy 16 years ago. This group is a lifesaver for helping you through the bad times. Menopause is evil! Here if you want to talk
Guest beverley58530
Has the fluxotine helped calm some of your symptoms? I was thinking of going on one myself but the side effects of them are brutal on me so i dont want to waste my time or health if they dont even help
beverley58530 Guest
Brandy22 fluoxetine have definitely helped. I’m only two weeks in and the side-effects have not been kind but they are finally settling down and I have started to feel better. People keep telling me to persevere with them and so I have and I am starting to feel the benefits. Worth it in the end I think?
Guest beverley58530
IM really thinking of going on my zoloft again i tried in the past....i need some relief i just pray it doesnt stop working after a year like it does to most people
AJacynM jane63977
I know exactly how you feel so never feel alone in this. We all need each other for support and this group is such a lifeline.
I try to put a happy front on in front of people but the effort just wears me out and I feel exhausted.
I have really bad aches and joint pain plus debilitating exhaustion nearly constantly. I worry it could be cancer plus other things, I'm so totally forgetful that now i wonder if it's the start of alzheimers! 😦
It just feels like I'm lost within my own massive world of worry, exhaustion and forgetfulness with aches so bad thrown in!!
I'm on HRT but the progesterone side is proving very tricky...
I'm hoping knowing you're not alone and others are feeling the same way will make you calm a little and help you realise that this 'natural' point in life is definitely NOT as natural for some of us... it's actually pure hell!
Hang in there darling, let's all hope that better days are just around the corner somewhere and arrive soon.
Much love to you all.
AJ. xx
anxiousface jane63977
I know how your feeling Jane and its horrendous. At my worse times back when i started peri ( which i knew nothing about) in 2011 i also thought i was dying, i had every test known to man with all clear results and not one Dr or specialist said it was menopause related so i became scared of my own shadow, i was a complete mess, even scared to be alone and thats not like me. i would feel faint daily and worry i would be found dead.
iv been in menopause since 2015 and some of the most scary symptoms have faded like i would feel faint every day, i was brought home from work on so many occasions it became embarrassing & i work with men.
I still feel ill most days but cope better but still live in my small bubble, i dont have a social life or go on holiday as i dont make plans anymore because i dont know how ill be feeling. i know you feel your getting worse but i think its because we get more scared of these symptoms which brings on anxiety.
jane your not alone in this and i wish we could all get our life back soon. we're all here for you and i would be so much worse without this forum, we help each other. sending you a comforting hug x
ET1968 jane63977
I,too, have had these same last period was 20 days long, super heavy and the clots were GIANT...heart palpitations have me convinced my heart is bad, despite NOBODY in my family on either side having heart problems,save my Grandma needing a pacemaker at age 85. I'd say try yoga, meditation, and there are "slow videos" on youtube and Amazon Prime that are calming. When these horrible symptoms are happening, you feel alone and terrified. Nowhere to turn, which makes anxiety worse. I agree with the others who said we are all here for each other!
Guest jane63977
I'm 54, started dying when I was 51 with all those same symptoms but worse. It all started when my periods started changing too. It's a disease called perimenohell. And anxiety that comes with it.. well look up all the symptoms associated with anxiety, all there.
Who knew our 50s would be like this? Just awful
anxiousface Guest
suzanne, i like how you put you started dying as that just sums up how i feel. Its so sad we've been robbed of our 50's when life should of been getting easier. i feel envious every day of women going about their normal day and while their thinking of their next holiday all i want in live is to feel better . SO SAD X
Guest anxiousface
I know. I've gotten good at faking it. The other day my husband said "I'm so glad you are better". I was like, really? I'm not better, I'm just trying not to let it all consume me and I know nobody wants to hear my woes anymore. I think I get one good week a month if that.
Not sure why some of us feel so poorly and some don't. It might be that we have more body awareness than those who go about their business every day and who have already been on meds for anxiety/depression so they don't notice the symptoms? I just don't know.
My symptoms are definitely not as severe as the were three years ago when I hit rock bottom. And not sure if anxiety made everything 100 times worse, guess it's possible. I was so convinced I had something really bad and got in such a downward spiral seeing specialists and having tests done. The only thing that kind of helped was this forum but I still felt like I was more severe than everyone here. It definitely helps knowing that other women have the same symptoms though, I mean, we all can't be dying from the same disease, can we?
anxiousface Guest
i know suzanne i pretend im ok to others as they must be bored of me and can't believe i must be still feeling ill. i notice my friends and family don't really mean it when they ask how are you.
Your right we can't all be dying x
jo67532 jane63977
I went through a few days of this straight last year around this time. I had a lot of anxiety and what O believe were panic attacks. I too had some issues with blood on my toilet paper even when I hadnt just used the bathroom. I hate going to the doctor, but worried myself enough to finally go. My doctor decided to do a full physical with blood work, mammogram, papsmear, and colonoscopy, She said she felt that would ease my fear of being ill. She also prescribed me .25 of alprazolam to help with my anxiety(out of the 30 she gave me, I have only taken 10 ). All my tests came back normal. They did find one small hemorrhoid that she prescribed me with proctofoam for. I was completely relieved and mostly have good days now. There are still some gloomy days, but I recognize them now has part of my hormone rollercoaster and this seems to help my anxiety to stay lower than it was last year. I would talk to my doctor about getting a colonoscopy just to ease your fears. Hang in there, We're all in this together!
jo67532 jane63977
I went through a few days of this straight last year around this time. I had a lot of anxiety and what O believe were panic attacks. I too had some issues with blood on my toilet paper even when I hadnt just used the bathroom. I hate going to the doctor, but worried myself enough to finally go. My doctor decided to do a full physical with blood work, mammogram, papsmear, and colonoscopy, She said she felt that would ease my fear of being ill. She also prescribed me .25 of alprazolam to help with my anxiety(out of the 30 she gave me, I have only taken 10 ). All my tests came back normal. They did find one small hemorrhoid that she prescribed me with proctofoam for. I was completely relieved and mostly have good days now. There are still some gloomy days, but I recognize them now has part of my hormone rollercoaster and this seems to help my anxiety to stay lower than it was last year. I would talk to my doctor about getting a colonoscopy just to ease your fears. Hang in there, We're all in this together!
Ive been back to my doctor today and it is just the small pile there thats caused a bit of blood . I am going to have more blood taken at the end of the month as in March when I last had it taken , my iron levels were on the low side . I will try and increase my iron levels before then by going back on the menopace tablets and some iron rich food . At least I know not to worry now