Think I've finally hit the menopause

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I'm coming up to 48yrs and I think I've hit the menopause. My periods have always been regular and a standard 7days. In the past 6weeks I've been having little bursts of hotness - some days more than others and some days not at all and most significantly no period for 7 weeks . I've always been a bad sleeper so insomnia as one of the symptoms of the menopause means nothing to me. Weight gain also seems to be a symptom but as I have been following a strict diet since January I can't really on that either. Trying to get a doctors appointment at my surgery is ridiculous. 

I've read up on the menopause on the internet the past couple of weeks but I was just wondering a couple of things....

1. I'm childless (out of choice) and wondered if it could have an effect on my symptoms

2. My mum breezed through her menopause - a few sweats but not much more. Am I likely to be fortunate enough to follow in my mothers footsteps for the first time in my life

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4 Replies

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    I don't think that whether you have had children or not makes any difference to your menopause - not to the symptoms, anyway - however, it will make it a lot easier to cope with if you haven't got a couple of teenagers to cope with too!!! I have heard that if you want to know what your menopause will be like, ask your mum, but I don't know if there is any scientific basis to that or if it is just an old wives tale. After all, if that were the case, then sisters would also have similar menopauses.

  • Posted

    Hello Flavia,

    I have experienced the exact same symptoms you are having.  I will be 47 in December. I have in perimenopause for about 5 years.  I am also childless (by choice).  I often get feelings of flushing heat during the day, night sweats (I don't sleep well as it is), missed periods (this was one of one of my earliest symptoms), and weight gain.  I was trying to manage my syptoms naturally and finally gave up and went to talk to my doc.  After some testing, she determined my hormones are definitely off and what I'm experiencing is directly related to perimenopause.  I am looking at options for treating my symptoms.  My doc has increased my vitamin D, as I was deficient and I am also taking 750 mg of magnesium daily.  I may also consider bioidentical hormone therapy (I am currently weighing the pros/cons of this option).  Some days I feel like I'm going crazy due to the hormone imbalance.  

    My mother went through menopause around age 58.  I asked my doc about age similarities regarding the timing of menopause between mother/daughter and she advised that every woman is different.  Hopefully you will also breeze through it with very few symptoms.

    I just wanted to write a quick note to let you know you are not alone!  Your symptoms are real and shared by many.  Wishing you the best!  --Sarah

  • Posted

    You are Peri-menopausal (leading to menopause). If you skip periods for 12 consecutive months, then you are menopausal. Try to reduce Caffein, Alcohol, sugars, spicy foods and dont smoke. Meditate for about 5 minutes 3 times a day. Omega 3 Fatty Acids (fish oil )containing 900mg of EPA per day helps hot flashes (read the label carefully and be sure it has enough EPA). You can also try Progesterone Cream Over the counter for now. But I would not recommend any Estrogen yet. 

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