Thinking of going on the combined contraceptive pill to help peri menopause symptoms, any advice?
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Hi - I have come to the conclusion that ovulation seems to be an issue for me, as times in my life when I wasn't ovulating, i.e. when I was pregnant and breast feeding were the only times in recent years where I didn't expereince this horrible emotional roller coaster each month. I literally have 1 good week post period, a bad week mid cycle, another bad week pre period and then relief during my period - and it has just been getting more intense in the past 18 months. I've tried antidepressants - which I think help me on my good weeks - because I feel great, but don't seem to be able to prevent the down weeks, am now I'm also on bio identiical oestrogen gel, which worked great initially - for the first 5 months but I think my cycle has now synced to the increased oestrogen levels which is why it appears to have stopped working. I had assumed that the oestrogen gel would have stopped ovulation as it's at quite a high does (3 pumps per day) but I now read that this is not necessaril the case, ( I still have symptoms of ovulation) as it is no where near as high as the OC pill. So I think the pill might be the best option for me as it would completely override my cycle and stop ovulation - as I've read it can help some women. I would really like to hear if it has helped anyone else and which pill worked best! Thanks.
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DaisyDaze karen60759
karen60759 DaisyDaze
DaisyDaze karen60759
I heard some docs prescribe it and let the patient take the active pills every day so they never get a period.
karen60759 DaisyDaze
Hi Debbie, did it balance out your moods though? That's the problem I have at the moment - very up and down making life difficult, I'm hoping that the pill would override my hormones and balance my moods out..
DaisyDaze karen60759
Improved my ups and downs! After menopause, my moods are much more stable. I do not "snap" or cry when frustrated anymore.