This cannot be normal. Rough hell day
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Ladies today by far has been one of the days of hell. I woke up with terrible anxiety, heavy breathing, still back pain, calf pain, crushing rib feeling, nausea, vision off, bloat so bad i look like i am in a second trimester of pregnancy. I looked in the mirror and fell apart crying. I feel and look so ugly. I am fat, scheduled for lipo next month for my stomach and hips, i have cellulite in areas that i never had cellulite before. My body feels like a 80 yr old. When i sleep i grone in pain with any movement. How can this be my life. How can this be anyone's life. How the hell do we function like this. I am so mad and angry because i want to live and explore life. But i can't. I called in work today to take tomorrow off because the thought of waking up early and driving 45 min to and fro makes me sick to my stomach. I do not know how much of that i can take anymore. Thank God i have a good saving and retirement , i think i am going to quit work and live off what i have until things get better. I have no choice at this point. This has been one hell of a yr, i did not live i just existed.
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NothinforNothin hopeforever
I'm with you. I've been in my house going on 9 months and I can't work. Still can't focus. Is it possible your employer can give you some time off? I know that's not always the case but, if possible. That may help for a short time. I've just existed with you for the past year so, don't feel so alone. It's hell. I've lost a year of my life and initially when this hit. I felt like I was dying. I'm not as bad as I was right now but, I can tell you the aches and pains will eventually ease up. It just takes time. Especially if your like me and trying to get through this on otc supplements alone. I will pray for you tonight. Hugs
hopeforever NothinforNothin
Thank you for your reply. As far as taking time off work i already did. I am surprised that they haven't let me go. I am lucky to get through a week without a sick day. My boss and some of my coworkers no of my peri but how long can i do it. the days when i wake up dizzy and nausous are the worst and then to drive, is not easy. I hope the aches and pains will ease up because they are too much to handle. I just took a warm bath and now laying on a heating pad. Hopefully to feel better. Thank you hugs
NothinforNothin hopeforever
Just wanted to note that my dizziness is caused by anxiety which came along with peri. I don't know if you are experiencing anxiety but, if you are. Try to find a supplement to lower that. That will help you with the dizziness if again, it's due to anxiety. There are many supplements for every symptom. I started using lemon balm leaf capsules at night. It has helped lower my anxiety which has lowered the dizziness. It's so, horrible I know!!!! Otc Estroven has helped some of my friends. Gaba is good for relaxation. I find Holy Basil is good for stress and a good meno vitamin with Black Cohosh. Bye!!
dev77856 hopeforever
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I am to everything you said I have but I also had seizure like symptoms even involuntary body movements that have ended me up in the hospital of course they diagnosed me with anxiety instead of realizing that a symptom not a diagnosis I can’t work I’m scared to go to sleep every night wondering if I pull a muscle or something I fainted and the list goes on. For two years post menopause I was fine then I had a polyp removed and I wish I never did that because my life is been a living hell I wish you the best. I’m done with this
And I’m going to an endocrinologist on Wednesday to get help. I’ll let you know how it goes. Let’s remind each other every time we freak out that this is meant to pas and I’m going to endocrinologist on Wednesday to get help. I’ll let you know how it goes. Let’s remind each other every time we freak out that this is menolause s and it’s OK And it’ll pass
hopeforever dev77856
Thank you Dev. Sorry to hear what you too are going through. I too am so done with all this. But i feel that i just entered the twilight zone and have many more yrs to fight. i only wished that i was post menopause. Let me know how Wednesday goes. Praying for you. hugs
kelly55079 hopeforever
Yes I feel you!!! I look in the mirror and think OMGOSH!!! And lately I've been thinking of botox because my face is sagging.. I probably won't but do think about it alot and that procedure that freezes the fat off. I do look pregnant and was wondering if a probiotic could help. Good luck on your lipo next month. I'm sure you'll feel so much better afterwards-- I know I would. As far as work--- have you thought about taking a leave of absence for a few months? Or even going part-time? It could make a big difference!!!
hopeforever kelly55079
Kelly i did botox last yr and the results were fantastic, especially when it came to my laugh lines. I am too thinking about another round. I was not one for plastic surgery but after seeing what peri has done to me i am all for it and i would recommend any woman to do it. what ever is going to make us feel woman again must be tried. As far as my work id concerned i cannot take any more time off because of my surgery next month. I will be using that month to heal and relax. Cannot wait.
gilly_64426 hopeforever
i feel the same. Sitting here with a heating pad under my left arm.
the pain is awful. cold chills starts, i want to vomit . i want to retire early and run away to island and live with no cares in the world
but that cant happen because i large family and my kids are young.
do you ever get just a good month? does it get better.?
hopeforever gilly_64426
Gilly never a full good month. Only days here and there. Maybe a good full week with minimum symptoms but never a good full month. Yes the pain is awful and i totally understand with wanting to run away to an island. Hoping your feeling well soon. Hugs
gilly_64426 hopeforever
thank you.
i just want to be me again.
feeling good about myself, enjoying sex with my husband, dressing up to go out, ( anyone else dress down more and more?
i use to love laying out my clothes the night before and taking such good care of myself. now it feels like another chore to complete another task to my list