This feeling is crazy

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Good morning ladies wanted to share my day well past few days wake up shoulders are achey then my knee and legs seems like it moves around over the body this menopause thing drives me crazy one min I'm feeling good the next it's like one side will ache for a week then when that sides done it goes to the other side grrr shoes I use to could wear now bothers my feet and legs why is this I wear my flip flops all the time in the summer now it's all of a sudden I can't because it triggers my knee and leg has any if you noticed that in shoes lord I will be so happy when this is over been having different symptoms seems like everyday oh don't forget the ole faithful anxiety kicks in when a new symptom appears grrrrrrr thanks for letting me vent this morning ladies

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Aww bless you I feel your pain.

    The ever moving aches and pains are so annoying mine goes from front to back, side to side, ribs, back, stomach, neck haha really frustrating. however I don't get leg pain for which I am thankful.

    And I also get the anxiety when something new appears it's like you automatically think the worst.

    I'm also so warm all the time which makes me feel smelly I'm going through perfume like it's free haha.

    It's like mother nature didn't think puberty and child birth was enough along with the years of monthly frustration and pain for lets give her the whacking menopause too .Chin up and keep going hopefully it'll end eventually.

    Have you been diagnosed?? my doctor refuses to believe all my symptoms are connected which is more frustrating than the pains x

  • Posted

    I have the pain in my lower back,legs ,arms ,hands and knees and the anxieties are the worst! I've had to go on hydroxyzine to stop the anxieties.
  • Posted

    I feel your pain. My upper back and calves kill me. Also does anyone have dizziness every so often??? Would love to know.. My anxiety is over the roof.
    • Posted

      I do and the dizziness scares the hell out of me. Makes me think something is seriously wrong with me and then comes the panic attack making the dizziness worse.
    • Posted

      Me too. I keep thinking it's something worse. Been told by doctor is part of menapause. Sad to hear you are experiencing it too but happy that I'm not alone.
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      Yes I get dizziness every blue moon also off balance feeling drives me kookoo
  • Posted

    I feel your pain! Somedays I wake up and feel like I have been hit by a truck...I ache in all different places...but mostly upper body...arms shoulders ribs and chest. And sometimes out of the blue I get a sensation like I am offbalance...not really dizzy....just like my head tilts for a moment. And I HATE the spacy feeling.. .its like you see in the cartoons where they slap someone to wake them up. I feel like I need to shake myself to wake up. Sometimes...and this is bad...i drive from A to B and I don't even remember the drive...its like I am on autopilot...not with it. I am usually mentally sharp....but the brain fog is bad sometimes. I read this is yet another peri symptom.
    • Posted

      I feel exactly the same as you. I went six months without a period and got one two weeks ago. After the period I've felt worse (didn't think that could be possible )

      I'm fatigued this week to the point I keep feeling like I'm gonna drop or pass out.

      I feel severely nauseated. I can't get anything done.

      My anxiety has kicked in massively again and I've convinced myself I'm dying cause I feel so bad.

      Went docs weds cause I was tight chested and short of breath. All checks were fine and my period wasn't even heavy just spotted for a week.

      I'm at my wits end today did my morning calls I'm a carer and can't function for the rest of the day.

      What the heck. Feel like I'm losing the plot or got some undiagnosed illness.

      Been in peri for nine years.

      Anyone else relate.

      Is this fatigue and nausea normal x

    • Posted

      I think it is Michelle. I also have the achy chest thing...i keep thinking I must have heart disease or something bad because you just feel awful. I used to be so healthy...only got a headcold I feel like I am dying. How can you feel so bad when nothing shows up in tests. Well we must all have the same thing as we all have the same symptoms...i would just love to be able to project how I feel onto the doctors....and my husband....then they would know I am not imaging it!
    • Posted

      Yep me too my husband and kids are just about fed up with me.

      Hey I'm fed up with me.

      I'm actually considering going back on the AD mirtazapine I was on four months ago but I really don't want to but I'm not coping very well at all right now.

      Not to mention the tight chest along with the bloating x

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      I have a script for an antidepressant. The doctor said its one used for the hot flushes and anxiety. If I get worse I will be trying it too.
    • Posted

      My lord I just feel like I'm doomed at times today my back arms ache so much grrrrrrr I wanna just snatch them off my body and my allergies has gotten worse since menopause why oh why do we have to suffer like this that darn Eve had to get Adam to eat the forbidden fruit
    • Posted

      I have a script for Effexor. She said i don't have depression but they use it to help the mood swings and hot sweats. I have had some say don't take it and others say its good. Apparently the withdrawal symptoms are bad. I would only be on a low dose 37.5....i just get scared it will make me worse as side effects can be anxiety and agitation. When I feel ok I think I can handle it...but when i get bad I just want to take anything.

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