This has to stop, its too much!!!!!!!
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First of all, I want to thank each of you for all your support while going through this torment.
Seriously,ladies i cant take this anymore. I woke up this morning, panicking and sweating, my heart beating out my chest, internal tremors, my legs felt like i couldnt move them . This is daily with the legs. My symptons have gotten worse intead of better. My body seem to be in a state of shock. It is constantly shaking and when i walk i can barely keep balance. I have no control whatsoever. It has me thinking it could be something else. I've been having palpitations ongoing , aches hitting me everywhere, internal tremors. This nagging pain sensation thats been in my back for weeks now, nothing helps it. I Am Losing It! Ive tried everything, everything nothing seem to help me. This has been 7 months now and every single day its been this way. No minor but severe symptons. If i dont do something real soon i may end up in a nut house. Tomorrow i will call my gynecologist and see if i can have a hysterectomy, I only have one ovary and uterus anyway. I dont know if it would make me feel better but its a chance i will have to take.
2 likes, 49 replies
annie-mae mary27278
Hi mary27278, it's no consolation to you but I honestly could have written your message. This whole thing consumes me. I thought the dizziness and panic attacks were the absolute worst but then the shakes, pins and needles and muscle weakness and achy joints started - and the feelings freak me out. I enjoy nothing! I just worry and hurt. Reading messages here reminds me its 'normal' (huh!!) And helps. You just want to do something, anything, don't you? Sorry i have no solution just solidarity. Hang in there xxx
mary27278 annie-mae
Do you have symptons every day? I dont know why my the anxiety and internal tremor are so bad today.
annie-mae mary27278
supemack39 mary27278
Hi Mary,
so sorry to hear how bad you are feeling. I know exactly where you are coming from and please believe me that you will get better. You don't say if you are on any meds like hrt/anti depressants /vitamins/sleeping tablets etc. I know each day feels like a losing battle, but you CAN get help, even though there doesn't seem to be an immediate cure, rather a slow process. But, you will feel better,
Keep your chin up, you are not on your own. X
mary27278 supemack39
yes, i take tons of vitamins, anxiety med, i sleep ok at night. I usually wake up and cant go back to sleep. ive been waking up with hot flash, heart palpitation, etc. Ive been to 3 BHRT consultants, result from bloodwork show progesterone 0.4. , but each time i try to take it makes my anxiety even worse. So they told me to stop. Also my thyroid was hyperactive. Ive never ever had a thyroid problem until now. She refused to give me meds because she said it wasnt out of range too much and that the progesterone should balance it. So this is where i am now.....
becky53379 mary27278
HI Mary, I'm so sorry that you are feeling this way. I know exactly how you feel. You are hormonal normal. Have you checked your vitamin D level? Mine was very low and I noticed that a lot of us going through this have low vitamin D. You will feel better soon...I promise! You just need to take time to tell yourself that these are just your hormones acting up. Eventually your system will calm down. Im not sure if a hysterectomy will help or not. I will pray for you and that you are able to feel calmer soon. Take care and if you need to chit chat we are all here for you
annie-mae becky53379
Hi becky53379, i just found out i have low Vitamin D and and am hoping that is responsible for some of the symptons (and that it's not cancer, M&S etc...) You give me hope - thank you!! Xx
mary27278 becky53379
Yes, i just did bloodwork last week and vitamin d level were excellent. I noticed my potassium was a bit low, in range but low. I think alot has to do with my emotions. I lost my sister 2 weeks ago unexpectedly; she was only 53 years old. Its very difficult for me trying to grieve when i am going through this. I was not able to attend her funeral because i was not strong enough. Of course I want to get up and do a whole lot of things but my body wont allow me to, especially my legs. Then, in the back of my mind im thinking something could be wrong with me. Thanks for your prayers!
becky53379 mary27278
HI Mary, I'm so sorry for the loss of your sister. I just lost my brother 3 months ago. If it would have been last year I would have been like you...not able to go to the funeral. You will get better and by this time next year you will not believe the difference. You take care and keep reminding yourself it is hormones.
becky53379 annie-mae
HI Annie-mae, awww keep your hope strong, things will get better. Trust me I still have those days but nothing like I was last year. I believe that taking vitamin D, walking daily (even if I don't want to), praying for all of us and reminding myself this is because of hormones helped me so much. Get some vitamin D3. I take a raw vitamin d3 from the health food store. Take care and be good to yourself
annie-mae becky53379
alison24340 mary27278
So very sad that you feel so I'll. It's hard to believe in this day and age that more is not known about the vast symptoms of the menopause. I so hope that you get the help that you need. I just hope that one day,all of us will feel much better than we do now. But for the time being it is unbelievably helpful to know we have a sisterhood here.
mary27278 alison24340
maria76995 mary27278
Hi mary..your not going to end up in no mad house girl I have been through what your going through and I will tell you it will stop,I use to wonder when will these symptoms going to does go try not to beat yourself up over it hormones messes with our minds stay calm it will get better everyday is a trying time,I'm not out of the woods but I feel more connected then I was I'm sleeping better mixing again with people and you will too girl,it takes time transition chin up upwards and forwards hugs.
mary27278 maria76995
Thank you Maria.
What do you suggest i do about the off balance when i walk or just sitting. Did you have that issue? And the trembling? Ive lost almost 30 lbs. and being around people is not the idea thing for me right now. Tired of hearing" you lost so much weight".
maria76995 mary27278
Mary I had the off balance too feeling your not going to fall it's hormones messing about I did not take anything much for the menopause..the Dr's gave me Antidepressents for sleeping and the other one was foo keep me quiet and I stop them made feel 10 times worst went on HRT fro a three weeks and stop it to scared fro that drug
so I decided to fight it out each day..try listening to a radio take a walk out most days watch a film keep busy as much as you can I know it sounds everlasting bout I promise it will go away with time
always remember nothing is for ever I'm here hot/cold while typing to you..yesterday was the first time in 7 years since I went to see my friend because I wouldn't leave the house when I did it was such a push out the door just scared for every thing,
brendababy mary27278
Hi Mary, I have similar symptoms, the trembling, weak shaky legs, dizziness and the strange off balance sensation like you could fall over especially standing still or even sitting on a chair. Ive been like this for two years, I've seen a neurologist, ENT specialist and had a CT brain and neck scan. I've been diagnosed with vistibular migraine and also anxiety. The bloods I had drawn at the time the symptoms started showed my estrogen and other sex hormones were very low
Please don't make the same mistake as me. I have worried myself sick, I believe the worrying has made all of the symptoms far worse. I have a terrible stiff, painful neck because I have kept myself rigid too scared to turn my head because of the balance problem.
The only advice I can suggest is to keep doing everything you want to do, don't fear the symptoms, just go with them, you won't fall over, I havnt yet lol
I'm on tibolone HRT, it's milder than the other HRTs so it's a kind of half way house, it has helped with some of the symptoms but I still don't feel great
When you wake up in the morning sit up in bed slowly, then no matter his bad the symptoms are get up out of bed, open your windows or stand at your door and breath in fresh air, this always helps me feel better
If you need to ask any questions I'm happy to answer them if I can
Take Care and god bless you Mary x
mary27278 brendababy
brendababy mary27278
Yes Mary my heart seems to race a lot of the time even when I'm just relaxing watching tv. I also get the palpitations which take the breath from me. I don't panic about this anymore because it is a very common symptom of meno
I feel breathless and anxious even while typing this, there's no rhyme or reason for it lol
I have also developed terrible social anxiety, it's crazy, if anyone outside of my immediate family talks to me I start to get a strange pressure sensation in my head, it's weird, must be tension lol
Anyway, I hope you can feel a bit better knowing there are lots of us woman out there enduring similar symptoms as you and we're all just getting by as best we can until our bodies settle down
So keep calm and be kind to yourself Mary, we're all here for you
Big hug xx
mary27278 brendababy
This shortness of breath is no joke. I just came from outside grasping for air. This is scary. I made another trip to Emergency Room today. I felt awful today while driving. They did EKG and he said it looked as if something could have happened in the past, but then again he has seen many like this and its fine. To be certain, he did a cardiac blood test and it was normal. He offered to to a chest xray but i refused because i just had one done 5 days ago. The rest of the blood work was good also. I made a trip to my endocrinologist and did bloodwork, will meet with her on Thursday for reults. Do you take anything for the palpitations?
inge22601 mary27278
Hi Mary I have gained so much weight this past year honestly what ever I do I just keep eating and don't care???? Be happy you've lost weight honestly it's a plus!!! I'm sure you look amazing I wish wish wish I can get rid of this sluggish lazy rearfullness fearfulness hopeless feelings ect ect ect!!! And the weight gain is just getting to me!!! All the best for you we just have to hang in there!!
brendababy mary27278
Hi Mary, I don't take anything for palpitations, it's all related to hormone fluctuations so I tend to just busy myself or slow my breathing down until it passes,
I used to visit my GP regularly with numerous symptoms but now I don't waste my time because doctors do not understand menopause and put everything down to anxiety
I do suffer from anxiety now and my doctor is happy to prescribe me diazepam to take sparingly when the anxiety is really bad
Hopefully Mary when you've had all your medical tests done you will accept that all of the symptoms are related to the imbalance and Worrying and focusing on them will keep them there
Hopefully you can find a way to deal with your symptoms I know how awful it is but just don't let them dictate your day, don't fight them just go with them
Let me know how you get on and remember we're all here for you xx
mary27278 brendababy