This horrible menopause

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I went for my ultrasound scans today, and it doesn't look good. My right ovary is more than 5 times the size it should be at my age and in meno, and my womb lining is 8mm, so abnormal. She couldn't even see my left ovary, due to very large fibroid. I've had moles removed that were just on the turn, but looks like the big C hasn't finished with me yet. I'm really scared. I can't get it across to anyone how scared I am, they just keep saying it'll be ok, but what if it's too late and its spread. I only reconnected with my eldest son a few months ago, and found out I have 2 beautiful granddaughters. Please god, let this be able to be dealt with, I have too much to live for now. Hope everyone is having a better day than me. Got the genetic breast cancer test next, then the test for Addison's disease. Looks like I may also have some form of spondylitis too, how much more is going to be heaped on me😢 still at least I've got the best care I can get from my Dr, I suppose that's something, but none of my friends or family seem to understand my fear. We all have our breaking point, and I passed mine awhile back. Love and hugs to all. XXX

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Tina I’m so sorry to read what you are going through and nothing anyone can say will really help at this stage. Please post as you have now though to get as much support as you can and keep us updated so we can be here when you need us xxx
  • Posted

    I’m so sorry to hear everything you’re going through, I wish I could help but all I can do is send big hugs 🤗 and lots of well wishes. Hope all works out well for you xxxx

  • Posted

    Hi Tina. SO sorry for your health concerns. Makes me realize how good some of us has it when we hear a story like yours! My recent ultrasound showed a thick lining also. What did your doc recommend on that? Mine prescribed Provera for a bleed. I'm 49, no periods since October of last year. I'm suffering severe health anxiety and afraid to take it. It's GREAT that you reconnected with your son. Having grandchildren is definately something to live for! Try to stay positive. This forum is extremely helpful. Everyone here can relate. And it helps to know we're not alone. Love and hugs. Hang in there...?


    • Posted

      Nancy, I too have a thickened uterus. They wanted to do a biopsy right away but I didn't do it. The doctor did prescribe Provera but like you, I'm too afraid to do it. I opted to try progesterone cream on my own for a few months to see if that helps any but so far I haven't gotten a period in 2 months. I'm thinking I need a good period to shed all that thickened lining. Isn't that what Provera will do? At the end of summer, if I'm still showing the thickened lining, I will probably give the proverb a try. Let me know if you decide to do it.

    • Posted

      Suzanne, I am concerned for you.  Right now, a biopsy is the only way you can get the information needed to allow your doctor and you to determine what needs to be done.

      If you have developed a malignancy, a period will make no difference, believe me, I know. Please reconsider. xx

    • Posted

      Well I've had other vaginal u/s's in the past year and a half, and they were all OK. This is the first time they saw a thickened uterus. My regular gyn was out having surgery and away for a few months and this was a different doctor who suggested a biopsy right away. I felt more comfortable waiting to talk to my own doctor when she gets back and I was leaving the state for the summer anyway. I didn't think two months would make much of a difference. If a new u/s still shows thickening and she wants to do a biopsy I will do it. 

    • Posted

      Hi Suzanne. I'm thinking the VERY same thing. Going to wait to see what happens up to the 12th month with no period. I'll keep you posted. Please do the same. Thinking it's time to seek a new doctor/2nd opinion. Hugs!

    • Posted

      Suzanne, this is my experience.  I began to spot, on April 15 of 2016.  I made an appointment to see my gp immediately (I'm in the US) but she only worked part time.  She cancelled one appointment, and I realized I needed to see a gyn as soon as I could.  

      I got a referral, but  I wasn't able to get in to see one for another couple of weeks.  I had an ultrasound and blood work the same day I saw him. My uterine lining was at 8mm.

      I panicked about getting that biopsy.  I have what is essentially IBS, and couldn't leave the house for 3 weeks.  The gyn got me a prescription for Xanax and I took 4 immodium in order to go and have the biopsy.  I was diagnosed a week later with uterine cancer on a Friday.

      I saw a surgeon on the next Thursday.  The next Monday, I had a complete hysterectomy.  By that time, my uterine lining was at 12 mm. The cancer had invaded my uterine wall so deeply, there was only 40% of it remaining. I was staged at 1a, no further treatment necessary, though the pathologist noticed suspicious cells in my pelvic wash. 

      Last year I discovered a tumor, and I've just finished a year long course of chemo, surgery and radiation. If cancer is even suspected, one doesn't have the luxury of time.

      I wish you only the best. xx   

    • Posted

      Yikes! Thanks for sharing your experience. So scary, and now my anxiety is rising since I didn't do the biopsy right away. I have an appointment with my gyn as soon as I return in August, so hopefully by putting it off for two months I haven't made a huge mistake. 

      So sorry you went through all that. Were you already in menopause when you started spotting? Where did you find a tumor, how did you know?

    • Posted

      Thanks, Suzanne.  I hope that everything goes well for you, believe me.  I was already in menopause.  Had gone into it early, at 40, because of thyroid problems.  Took HRT for around 10 years and quit.    I started spotting, small brown spots, at age 67.

      This is how I found the tumor.  I'd been typing with my lap top on my lap, got up and felt a twinge. Reached down to palpate the spot in the muscle wall of my lower left abdomen and there it was, about the size of a small to medium tomato. I thought, "My God, what is that?" My husband took me to the ER that night.  Later tests revealed three lymph nodes "lighting up" in my groin, too.

      The cancer hadn't been removed, instead, some cells were left behind and had been growing for about a year.  Because I was staged by the pathologist at 1a, no further treatment was deemed necessary.  Statistically, my chances were very good.  But the doctor didn't realize that cells had been left behind.

      I knew that something was wrong, and pressed to have a CT scan for several months. But the doctor resisted, because a CT scan only shows cell growths that are about the size of the eraser of a number 2 pencil or larger.  

      We agreed that at about the 1 year mark (I'd been getting follow up appointments with him every 3 months) that he'd order a scan.  

      Best of luck to you! xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Tina, just because you had these results from your u/s doesn't mean it's cancer. It's probably not! 

    Try to keep focusing on what's going on that's good in your life right now. Don't let anxiety get the better of you. 

    Good thing is we live in an age where medicine is good and things can be fixed.


  • Posted

    Tina, I understand your fear, its like you are in this world and people are all around BUT you feel alone totally separate from them just you and an empty world! I had chest Xray this has been years ago BUT it showed a nodule and they had no ct scan to compare it with or any other X-ray  so I have to get a ct scan with dye shot in vein and the fear of cancer was all over me and I even thought about ending things because of it. Well the ct scan  showed no cancer BUT said it could  be from asbestos or talc well I have to live with that thought even today because asbestos cancer can take years :-(  so when that fear tries again to over power me I have to pray and keep the faith easier said then done I know oh to well!  Now my uterus was also 8MM and I had to have the biopsies thank God all my test came back okay including the smears. My daughter  has the over deal and the fibroids and she had to goo in for an MRI and all was well except for rather she wanted to push to have them removed doctor said didn't have too. Fear is paralyzing and torture it has tortured me for years, I know the God who created us will see you through this and keep that C word from ever spreading or even been there in the first place! Fear is really hard to deal with but if you  can picture a stop sign in your mind as soon as that fear takes it's grip on you say out loud stop and immediately turn those thoughts to something else why you and God gets you through this! God knows you have a lot to live for and He will make away and cause all that fear to turn to joy and a Happy dance in the Lord! You have some of the things I had and the rest what my daughter had and all was well EVEN though it did NOT look like it! I'm 61 years old now.  Hugs if ya ever want to chat or want verbal pray text me at 270-319-2216 you never have to walk through this alone!  HugsPsalm 103:2-3

    Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits; Who forgives all your iniquities; who heals all your diseases.

  • Posted

    So sorry to learn you're going through this!  People who have not experienced what is happening to you have no earthly idea what it's like, though their comments are well-meaning.

    The ladies on this forum will support you in any way they can.  All I can suggest is that you insist that your tests are performed promptly and that you get adequate input from your doctor.  And--if you're not satisfied, get a second opinion.  Have you been scheduled for a biopsy?  Usually, a biopsy s performed any time the uterine lining is over 4mm.

    You'll be in my prayers. xx 

  • Posted

    The thick endometrium doesn’t mean cancer Tina. Try not to panic and ask your doc. Don’t make any conclusions of your own and try to avoid googling! All my love to you! smile
  • Posted

    Oh Tina ... I’m sending prayers for you boy are you going through it or what ! You’ve just given me a big wake up call as I’m moaning about all my symptoms but you are going through so much worse . Be strong get everything checked and hopefully you have a good support system around to support you . It’s tough going through all this alone . 

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