This is so tough! Feeling bloated and fed up

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I'm having a tough time and I guess I have no one to speak to about it. I moved countries too, so my old network of friends are gone and anyway most of them were younger than me. 

I am suffering from Peri (I still get periods but they are a bit off track). I am 53. 

I also suffer from Bipolar, so that really adds to the mix! Plus my son is going through a very tough time with personal issues. 

All in all, I am totally overwhelmed I suppose. Oddly today my main upset was being fed up with my fat tummy. Or should I say bloated tummy. 

Anyway, I was determined to go out for a walk, for once the sun was shining smile but I tried on about 50 outfits and I just looked ....pregnant. 

I've tried to dress in certain ways to hide it, but there is only so much one can do. Dieting does not work, and I have been told peri weight is so hard to shift. 

I just feel doomed. Any  help? Ideas? suggestions or shared info on just how to feel better, how to hide the blasted bloat or anything. Thanks!

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi callianne, it is a horrible thing being bloated but its part of peri im also 53 and have had a bad time to with peri i live on meat or fish and salad i havent lost the bloat and nothing fits ,this will end soon i hope and we will all be liberated good luck  
    • Posted

      yes agreed, karen, I said to my partner the other day that one day this will be over !!?. Roll on 60 it might be so much easier then. I have found the 50's my toughest decade yet. sad
  • Posted

    Ladies I found yogurt to work for bloatness. I know I have IBS so I take meds that help with that.. Also over the counter nexium works also. I hate to be bloated .. Good luck ladies
    • Posted

      Hi tracy 

      I took your advice and now I have decided to take a vita yoghurt (small one) before bed. I thought maybe I was lactose intolerant so avoiding milk and dairy. One can never be sure, though, it could be as we all say just plain old bloating. So I'll see how the yogurt works out. Thanks for your reply. 

  • Posted

    Hi callianne,

    I'm Bipolar also. I found my Meds make me gain weight anyway.

    Almost impossible to loose any weight and I'm eating half what I used to.

    I gave up all bread as that was a big cause of my bloating. If I eat two slices now I get stomach ache and boating for the rest of the week.

    • Posted

      hi zigangie

      I had the same issue with BP meds, gosh, no matter what I did I could not shift the weight.

      At the moment, I'm not on meds (for various reasons and I guess it's not helping).

      I feel as though I am intolerant to bread and milk, but again it could be just peri bloat or stress bloat (cortisol). I avoid doctors as I get too anxious.

      I have found leaving out bread better too although it makes meals tricky (like lunch). I think you are right, though, leaving out bread altogether (as the wheat free is awful) might be a better plan.


    • Posted

      Hi callianne,

      I'm not taking Meds at mo since April last year.

      Usually if I come off the weight drops within a few months but not this time.

      HRT has helped with depression better than any of the psych Meds btw.

    • Posted


      Hope you dont mind me asking but ive just come off mirtazapine an AD that doc gave me last year for peri anxiety.

      I have to say the withdrawal is not nice.

      You say your off all meds. Was it an easy process?

      Ive been in peri eight years. Currently four months with no period.

      I dont want to go bck on the meds but feeling pretty down right now.

      I like you have had so many tests as ive felt so ill in perimenopause. All come bck ok.

      Its so exhausting x

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle,

      I've had many kinds of anti psychotics over the years.

      For the last 8 I have been prescribed amisulpride (I asked to try it).

      I have found it to be fast acting so can stop a problem within a few days.

      With other Meds I always had to keep some in my system to do this as they take at least 2 weeks to work.

      I never have problems coming off. I do it by dropping to one every day then week or so later one every two days, if I feel odd I stop at that dose for a few weeks then drop again.

      It's a bit of a tightrope walk but I have a better quality of life that way.

      HRT has done more for improving the depression than anything else I've had over the last 10 years including ssri's.

      I have also had an odd feeling of not belonging for about 20 years after I had my youngest daughter and that has improved a lot as well.

    • Posted

      Thanka for reply. Im in week two of withdrawal and feel really rough.

      Ive jad stomach issues in peri and since stopping meds they have esculated.

      I know it takes time for withdrawel to pass but didn't think I would feel so bad.

      Im hoping im nearing the end of this nightmare. Been four months without a period but who knows if I will get another one!!!

      I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression but I kept telling the gp its all these symptoms im getting making me feel like this!!!

      Im now 49 but having symptoms since 40 but all they kept saying was oh no ur far too young for it to be hormones! !!!!!!

      Glad you found some relief x

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