This morning feeling grrrrrrrrr
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This morning woke up feeling the anxiety stuffy nose feels like someone beat me up in my sleep it started last night before I went to sleep for dinner I had a chicken drumstick with cauliflower after a few hrs all of a sudden I felt like the toilet was gonna be my best friend as if I had food poisoning or something I just felt horrible then here comes the anxietybecause I felt like something was terrible wrong with me so it took me forever to even fall asleep finally did but then this morning it started again my whole thing is why is this anxiety so crazy it can make you feel doomed like everything in the world is wrong with you also I didn't know how bad it kicks up your allergies mine were so bad last night my head stuffy nose stuffy and my mouth watering like crazy sorry ladies I just needed to vent out this morning thank you for taking a moment to share any of your thoughts or experiences xoxoxoxoxo
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