This Post Meno anxiety is kicking my butt !!!!
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Couldn't take it anymore have just had to start back on anxiety meds...I tried everything but nothing was helping me I didn't want to go back on the meds but as my husband says it's about quality of life and I may only need them until all this meno dies down once and for all. Not sleeping and crying all the time. Waking up several times throughout the night with racing heart and sweaty palms and feet and always feeling like any little thing I get has got to be something sinister. Sure hope I get some relief soon I know it takes about 3-4 weeks to really kick in but at least I know relief is in sight. Just thought I wouldn't need to go this route at being 9 years post meno but I want my life back
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Guest paisleygirl
Paisley, let me know how it helps! The pnic attacks are horrible! What anxiety medicine are you trying? I was given Hydroxyzine 25 mg but have not tried it yet. Says take 1 tablet 3 x's a day as needed.
paisleygirl Guest
it keeps me on an even keel so that every little thing doesn't send me into tears or jumping out of my skin and no more waking up in the throes of anxiety
colleen90305 paisleygirl
paisleygirl colleen90305
I was doing awesome with most symptoms being very mild and bam it hit again a few months ago hot flushs, anxiety, crying all the time , muscle spasms the whole gammit of symptoms including nausea, and migraine and general body aches. I thought it was over too but apparently this is not uncommon ..hoping it's the last big bang and then it's over I'm 60 so what I've been told is this could happen on and off into my late sixties
colleen90305 paisleygirl
Paisley, this really scares me. I was looking forward to menopause thinking these symtoms would go away, not I'm losing hope. I don't know how I'm going to live like this if I have many yrs like this ahead of me. Feel better!
CCinCal colleen90305
beth86610 paisleygirl
Magnesium, vit D Vit C
Brewer's yeast. Flax sed oil
ditch the cafffine
pinkcatfairy paisleygirl
Im post meno by a year (had surgical meno) but was going through it anyway. The firat six montha not too bad but had the hot flushes and sleepless nights after that but it seems to have calmed down. Hated the anxiety and panic attacks which happened six months into menopause, on vitamins for 50 plus and that seems to have settled things down but atill have the odd wierd head moment when I feel a wave of panic coming on! I swim when I can and feel great after so definitely recommend some form of fitness activity! I agree, I feel these things come and go even in menopause, it 's like it just doesn't want to settle and go completely!
paisleygirl pinkcatfairy
I love to hike and am quite active that way ...but you are right it's like it never goes completely ....I have been really good the last few years have been really uneventful except the odd thing here or there but nothing and I was beginning to feel really good then this has happened but I'm holding on to the fact that this can happen and I will get through it and be stronger on the other side of it