Thrombosed hemorrhoids / hemorrhoidectomy / Anal Fissure
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Can anyone give pain comparisons between the following
Thrombosed Hemorrhoid
If you've already suffered with Throm Hem and Fissure will the Hem Op be worse?
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Olga86 bella04946
i had all of the above. surgery pain was by far less than other two.
bella04946 Olga86
Hi Olga
Thanks for your reply .
I had / have fissure and thromb hem and advised next option is possibly surgery.
Good to know if i survived through that I would be hopefully be able to handle the pain post op. Fingers crossed
Olga86 bella04946
trust me - you will make it and everything will be great. just follow doctor's advice on everything and don't overthink. i had laser surgery and was terrified to say the least. good luck!
h45851 bella04946
i had an episode of a thrombosed hem and it was the worst pain i have been in my life.. i had constant pain 24/7 for at least a week.. and no pain relief worked.. the possibility of a repeat episode made me opt for hemorrhoidectomy which was painful in the few couple of days when bm and a couple of hours after .. the rest of time was perfectly managable. Good luck 😃
reb1993 bella04946
hi there - i just wrote a post about this! i can't speak to Thrombosed Hemorrhoid, but i found the hemorrhoidectomy recovery to be less painful than the fissure recovery! i'm only on day 2 of hem op but i recovered from a fissure last year and it was really painful 😦 so far this has proven to be less so
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Its so good to hear something positive.