tibolin/boltin/livial causing depression?

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Hi all, to introduce myself, I am 54, 2 years since last period, and have been prescribed Boltin 2.5mg.  I live in Spain.  Second time trying it as gave up after couple of weeks last time after spending days lying around, tired, depressed and weight gain.  Now, 3 weeks in, very low mood, fuzzy head, feeling fat but libido improved (too high a price to pay for that!).  Still have weird excema in weirder places, itching, irritability, even anger issues when things dont go my way (sorry post office clerk, but you were a supercilious jobsworth) and have shouted at my teens sevearal times past few weeks, normally quite philosophical.  Lost joie de vivre, constantly welling up.  OK, it could be end of summer blues and other factors in life aren´t going too well but sorely tempted to come off this and feel a bit happier.   Hot flushes were never a massive issue, have no oesteoporosis in family or signs, but do have cancer in family.  Would love to try oestrogen patches or sprays but my gynae says I don´t need it (can´t help feeling influenced by macho society here!) and is only concerned with libido.  I´m taking 1.25mg (half dose) of Boltin (Tibolona) Merck Sharp & Dohme (Spain).   Anyone relate to this?  Shine a light somewhere?  Forever grateful, thank you.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    hi ali,

    so sorry to hear you're having a rough go of it. I can relate to the libido issue and every other symptom you are talking about. I'm actually having a good day today with no symptoms other then my legs being sore and achy, but nothing like they were last week! as for her, I have chosen not to go on it because of the terrible side effects it has. my thought is why had to the misery of you can choose not to? some women have no issues with it and it's a personal choice for everyone. you have amazing support with this forum because we are all on this sinking ship together. the good news is that it can't last forever! do you have a support system at home? for me that has made all the difference in the world! my husband is amazing and my son too ( he is 31) and not married. I hope he when he marries and his wife goes through this, he will be an old pro at it lol. many blessings to you hun💚💙

    • Posted

      Thank you Susane.  So you don´t take anything?   I don´t really mention it at home, which is a hotbed of hormones anyway with a 14 and a 16 year old.  I suppose that´s why I just lose it now and again and go off on one.  Thank you for your support.

  • Posted

    Hi Ali l have been taking tibilone for 18 yrs and love it. But it's obviously not for you. Go to another doctor that understands menopause ! There are a lot of drugs out there one that will suit you. Good luck xx

    • Posted

      Hi Lori, thanks for this. I don´t suppose you remember whether it took a few months to start feeling the benefits?  Unfortunately menopause is not well understood here in Spain (would loved to be proved wrong on this one) and the attitude is "it´s natural, you just have to get through it".  Even my late 50ish female doctor has misidagnosed shockingly over the past few years (I realise this through educating myself about the menopause over the past year or so).   

    • Posted

      Yes Ali....don't have dementia yet..lol

      It does take a while to start feeling the benefits of Livial. I restarted livial after being off it pre and post surgery. Started again over a week ago still getting hot flushes but my moods are fine. Sexually great as well! Surprised the flushes are soooo bad after being on livial for 18 yrs and that a break of about 6 or 7 weeks and the drug out of my system so completely. All HRT is different you have to get one that works for you. I tried all the natural over the counter products first then a couple of other HRTS before settling on livial. Very easy for ppl to say suck it up and get over it!! Let them walk a mile in your shoes. Good luck you will find something that suits you xx

  • Posted

    Hi, I took it for 21/2 months but I'm convinced it made my itching worse and gave me arthritic hands as says in side effects can cause itching and muscle/joint pain so I stopped taking it so am taking nothing atm. I think doc has given up with me cause I won't take AD and the livial didn't suit me. The only positive I had with it was no tender breasts before period but now it's out my system my tender breasts are back.

    • Posted

      Hi Sarah, a gynae I went to see tried to get me to accept AD.  I don´t think he believed me when I said that I´d never had them and didn´t want them now.  Why are doctors so keen on pushing this stuff?  What happened to looking at the cause rather than sticking a plaster on it.  I´ll keep looking and I hope you find someting that helps you too.

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