Tibolone extra dose
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I been taking Tibolone for 3 months now the 1st month was getting my body used to the drug then the second month was brilliant no hot sweats my libido returned no dryness just generally feeling better then the 3rd month everything changed my night sweats returned I was not myself so I started chopping the tablet in half and taking half in a morning half in an afternoon then I thought I would try another half in the evening after 3 days I started to feel alother better like I did in the second month of taking tibolone what I was wondering am I doing harm to myself by taking that extra half of tablet which brings the dose to 3.7mg can anyone relate to this thank you
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LouLou46 shirley352
Hi Shirley, there is a 5.0mg dose that you could request from your GP so I wouldn't worry if it's working for you.
Are you in natural or surgical menopause? I have just started Tibolone today after 18 months of trying everything else. I get fatigue, Joint pain flare ups and zero libido. Plus occasional sweats. Really hoping it works!
shirley352 LouLou46
Hi loulou I'm natural menopausal been on tibolone for 3 months and it's stopped working so I upped the dose my 50% and it started to work again but I'm worried that it my cause other symptoms
It is a great thing if it works for you took about 3/4 weeks for it to get into my system then all was good but now it stopped and surly if I have a stronger dose and it works again then I should be ok
LouLou46 shirley352
Fingers crossed for you. It may be rather you were so low on hormones that it was playing catch up. You're still lower than the highest, licensed dose so should be ok. I am in surgical menopause. Do you know if it also helps with aches and pains? On Premarin I was good some days but if I exercised or had a hard week at work etc. I seemed to go downhill as if it 'burned through' quicker?! Any weight gain or bloating? Thanks and good luck.
shirley352 LouLou46
It did help me with my aches and pains in had bad pains in my knees but now they are fine no much weight gain just a few pounds no bloating but we all react different to medication x hope it works for you I'm just going to try having half a tablet in a more and half in pm and see if I really need the extra half x
roos_de_geer shirley352
I didn't know there was a 5.0 mg tablet or did i misunderstand you, LouLou46? I started to take 2 2,5 mg pills two months ago, because smaller doses stopped working. Good to know there are more people who need and take more than the 2,5mg that is enough for most women.
shirley352 roos_de_geer
LouLou46 roos_de_geer
What symptoms of menopause do you get + how long did Tibolone take to work for you?
LouLou46 shirley352
shirley352 LouLou46
shirley352 LouLou46
LouLou46 shirley352
That's great!
I am on day two and been fine, getting a few random aches tonight. When I previously tried to go on any contraceptive pill with progesterone I would get aching muscles and back, was told that progesterone relaxes the muscles...hoping this won't do that. Then with other hrts I get joint flare ups and no consistency of the good days. Really hoping this one will work as there's only the oestrogen implant left for me to try! 😉
shirley352 LouLou46
I waited one month for it to kick in then the following month waS the best I've felt but if I had a glass of wine the next day I felt like I had a bad hangover so I don't drink much now just the odd glass as I'd rather feel well without drink I'm back on 3.7mg today and see if it kicks in soon which I'm sure it will as last night was bad I will let you know how I get on keep me informed how your doing x
LouLou46 shirley352
Strange as that's how I was on estradiol tablets / patches, would feel like I'd had a bottle of wine, not one glass! There's a website called Surmeno...it's for surgical menopause but has loads of info about hormones and apparently alcohol raises oestrogen in one go so you get the symptoms of the drop more...or something along those lines! Hope you get a good night from the extra.
LouLou46 shirley352
Have you had some improvement Shirley?
I haven't been too bad but was struggling last night with joint pains + a bit of headache. All not too bad up not great either. But only been 5 days, guess I'll have to give it a few weeks! X
shirley352 LouLou46
LouLou46 shirley352