Tight achy muscles all the time , with twitching when I relax
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I ve had tight achy muscles since oct 2015, I've also had twitchy muscle when I relax. I'm so tired , really tired . So much so that I don't even want to get out of bed some mornings. I've had panic attacks and dizziness. Docs said its laberythitis , so he gave me stemitil, which he said I had a reaction too, hence the twitching. This is still going on, so it can't be a side affect still. I'm very moody too. Think I'm in peri menopause as my periods are very erratic. My biggest fear is that it's some sort of cancer of either the brain or bone, as I feel like I've got the flu, all the time,that type of ache. I had breast cancer in 2012, so in remission. Had oncology appt in dec2015 and they were happy with me. I've asked my doc for a blood test to check hormone levels, but he says the hospital won't do them. Ive even offered to pay but he says a waste of money. I'm at a loss of what to do, as I feel rubbish most days, today being a particularly bad one. I found this forum and I could really relate to all of the posts. I turned 50 in nov2015, so am thinking I've got these vit B deficencies. I took menopace for a while but felt worse. I do feel like I'm going mad.....
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Fudgeybear1 mel11237
mel11237 Fudgeybear1
debbie_18471 mel11237
You are not going mad, it seems that all of us feel the exact same way. I will be 49 this April and I have been struggling really bad since March of 2015 with all the symptoms you have just listed. Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Dizzines, Feeling Off Balance, Shaky, Jittery, Heart Palpitations, Depression, No Energy, No motivation To Do Anything, Nauseaus, Pelvic Pain, the list is endless isn't it. It's hard not to think something is seriously wrong. I've had MRIs, CT Scans, Ultrasounds, Blood Work. All they have found is Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts and a slightly enlarged Uterus. Which the Doctors have all assured me is normal for the course for a woman my age. I'm on every vitamin and natural supplement out there. I eat healthy and have eliminated gluten sugar and caffeine. I have some good days and some bad days. I guess what I'm trying to say is that all this madness is all normal for all of us women. So glad to have this site so we can compare notes to know we are not alone on this horrible journey. Hang in there and know that this won't last forever and that one day we will wake up feeling like our old selfs again. I too don't go out alone anymore because of the balance thing. My doctor gave me the nuvaring to try and manage my perimenopause symptoms don't know if I will try it or not yet. Good luck to you take care and God Bless
joanne05881 mel11237
Zigangie mel11237
mel11237 Zigangie
Zigangie mel11237