Time for some good vibes
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There are so many negative and bad news posts in this menopause forum, perhaps it is time for something different. Time for a little bit of light in the darkness. Of course, one would expect to find mainly distressing tales on a patient website - it is the nature of the beast. People are on here to tell their tales, get support and share information or advice. But there is a place for good news to give people hope, especially with menopause, which is a minefield of possible treatments (not just HRT but also medications or alternative therapies to tackle individual symptoms) and which, in the majority of cases, passes. Unfortunately, it is often the case that those women who have found the best solution for them or have found successful ways to cope or for whom menopause is over, they no longer visit this forum - and why would they? - they no longer need advice or support. However, hearing the good news can be just as important as sharing our tales of woe. Of course we should not belittle menopause - many women have exhausted all the available options and are still suffering ... all the more important for them to hear something positive, I would have thought. There are also many women who have exhausted all the possible options but still remain active and positive - how have they done that? What helped them cope? It would be helpful to hear. There are also women who have been through the trials of menopause and come out the other end unscathed - it would be inspiring for those still in the quagmire of menopausal symptoms to know there is an end in sight - it can be difficult to believe there is an end when you are in the middle of it all.
So, no bad vibes here, just good vibes - please post on here your successful coping strategies and, also, let's hear from those women for whom all the menopausal crap has passed (if you still follow these discussion, let us know that there is light at the end of the dark tunnel). Just positive, uplifting stories - somewhere where those of us who benefit from hearing such things can go. There are plenty of discussions in the menopause forum where women share their struggles - time for something salutogenic.
10 likes, 39 replies
Scooby65 Suki_girl
I waiting for this I'd sure like to hear some positive things cause right now it's Hell to me thanks!
Suki_girl Scooby65
Exactly - we want to hear! I have been on this forum for many years and I know that there are women who have successfully coped and, more importantly, women for whom that "hell" is over and done with - they all say "it will pass". Sometimes we need to hear that. And how do women successfully cope with the symptoms. For example, I have two school age kids and, yes, sometimes I am so totally lacking in energy I really do not want to get out of bed in the morning, but I do because I have to for my kids - they are what gives me the motivation to get up and carry on with the day. Also, that utter exhaustion means I have stopped all exercise, even though I know it will probably make me feel better and a lady on this forum told me to just start walking for 10mins a day and gradually build it up - it made a difference to her. She motivated me to start, and I did.
Betty97 Suki_girl
I am post menopause, 10 yrs since my last period and still getting hot flushes, to be honest for most of the last ten years and years previous to my last period I didn't realise that some of the things I went through could have been down to the menopause! I started to suffer from health and general anxiety when I hit 60, I'm 63 in May, I put it down to children leaving home and me somehow losing my purpose in life. I have never consulted a doctor about past symptoms, I have always preferred to work through the menopause, recently being on this forum has made me think that maybe I have had symptoms due to menopause! I am currently trying to address my anxiety.
So not sure how helpful I can be as still going through it, but made it so far and still smiling, it's good to read the posts because I can relate to symptoms past and present.
Guest Suki_girl
Yes! I'd like to hear some positive advice and from women who are post menopause.
Guest Suki_girl
Yes! I'd like to hear some positive advice and from women who are post menopause.
rehreh78 Suki_girl
same here waiting for those ladies to come through and give us hope . sometime we need to hear the positive stories to keep is sane .X
some days i think i will never will normal again 😦
Guest rehreh78
I think I am coming out if the worst of it, nearly a year since I've had a period, symptoms have subsided and I am feeling more and more like myself again.
rehreh78 Guest
Happy to hear the worst is over for you .
looking forward to those days of feeling myself to . for me right now seems like theres no light at the end . but for women like you to confirm its gets better gives me hope . Thank you x
tawana68 Guest
YAY!!! now thats a great comment to read on a friday .
So pleased to hear someone say things will get better and at least some if not all symptoms will be gone after menopause, and that right there is enough to keep hope , so thank you .
Suki_girl tawana68
Me too. Everything seems to have subsided. No more hot flushes, no more night sweats, energy levels gradually on the increase. Peri started when I was 47, returning to "normal" at 53.
sunaina1983 Guest
woooow soo nice to know ur getting better mam
sunaina1983 Suki_girl
mam do u have head pressure and off balance issue too in Peri..they r ok now ?
these r most scary symtoms for me .
sunaina1983 Suki_girl
mam have u tried HRT or Suppliments only ?
Suki_girl sunaina1983
My symptoms were just hot flushes, night sweats, dry vagina and feeling exhausted. Hot hot flushes just became part of my day, I slept through the night sweats because I was already on amitriptylene for another condition, the dry vagina and painful sex was solved with estriol cream and took naps for the exhaustion.
Suki_girl sunaina1983
My symptoms were just hot flushes, night sweats, dry vagina and feeling exhausted. Hot hot flushes just became part of my day, I slept through the night sweats because I was already on amitriptylene for another condition, the dry vagina and painful sex was solved with estriol cream and took naps for the exhaustion.
sunaina1983 Suki_girl
ok mam
Lucky u not having head pressure and off balance issues.
thanks for reply
Suki_girl sunaina1983
Oh, well, I have other things like aching joints, tinnitus, etc., but I've got used to them!
Sassyr12a sunaina1983
Hi sunaina
My symptoms were similar to yours last year. I took bhrt for a year and gave just changed to hrt and its made a huge difference xx
sunaina1983 Sassyr12a
Ok mam..thanks for reply
sunaina1983 Suki_girl
ohhhhhh...every symtom is worst mam..hard to handle.
Nice to know u start feeling better