Tingling and burning sensation.

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Hallo ladies, I hope you are all well today. I am just curious to know if any of you ladies experienced any tingling and burning sensation on the top of your heads, hands and feet and near your tailboan. It is very strange and would like to know what you think.

Thank you.

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Nonnie, yes!!!! I woke up one morning feeling leg pain with calf tingling with my feet burning, it felt like electronic shocks were hiding me. I went to see a charorpractor, took X-rays and told me its scaita its a pinched nerve starts from lower back goes down to the leg into your feet, very painful!!!! But I am 45, and I did read that this can be caused by premanpause. 
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      Hi Natalie, I am 42. I know I did nothing that could be the cause of it, the hands and feet tingling I have for a while now but the burning sensation near my tailnoan started last night.
    • Posted

      i agree don't let this worry yourself, stuff like this happens in are age. I am starting 3 days a week for therapy on this I will let you know how it goes. I have burning sensation on my right feet , and sometimes near my tailnoan I have weird sensation too.
  • Posted

    Hi, there, I had a terrible stint of tingling from my right side, down my leg, occasionally in my arm too.  Not had tingling at the top of my head.  It was around Christmas and I had had a double bleed, from the rectum so had a colonoscopy.  I was convinced it was bowel cancer, aching in my groin followed by the sciatica.  Horrible.  All was fine though and the ache down my leg, right knee, calf lasted quite some time and I think that makes it even scarier.  Try not to worry too much.  I did.  What a waste of energy ...... That I didn't have! Xx
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      I think it got something to do with hormones because my period have started 2 dayes to early and my anxiety is thrue the roof.
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      I am so glade I just read your story, your systoms are identical as mine, it's been already going on 2 weeks with leg pain from sciatica I've never had this until now in my premanpause stage. I've read that this leg pain can last long time. I am trying not to worry or think about it, because it makes me have anxiety attacks.
  • Posted

    hi nonnie yea i get it on my head sometimes its like im having needles stuck in my head its not pleasant and also find that my fingers stick together sometimes i cant separate them for a few minutes.  who have thought the menopause could cause all these symptoms.  i sometimes feel im a totally different person now to who i was before this started x
  • Posted

    yes!  2 months ago i had a VERY scary episode.  racing heart, high bp, palps, weakness in legs (noodle legs and numbness/tingly tail bone - weirdest sensation!), burning skin (hot flash) and tingling in arms and HEAD!  of course i freaked out which made my chest hurt, soooo.... i thought i was having a heart attack.  went to the er and stayed a  night.  they made me eat a bland diet and i felt so much better, but they told me it was gerd.  we all know this isn't gerd - it's peri/menopausal symptoms.   well, i decided to eat that way 90% of the time and i've had very good results.   my symptoms have lessened, or gone away.  i still have hot flashes (but no *burning*), no more tingling in head or extremities and palps minor and to a minimum, WHICH keeps anxiety down.  i REALLY think that too many of the wrong carbs and spicy foods can contribute to your symptoms.  i still have bad days (last night and today), but nothing like that episode 2 months ago.   
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      Hi Kristi. I agree with you about the wrong carbs and spicy foods. But since my period started all the burning and tingling subsided and I sleep better.
  • Posted

    I am getting burning tingling feeling on on upper thighs, especially noticable when sitting down.   
    • Posted

      i too notice that if i sit too long - i am a crocheter - that i get more heat and discomfort in my lower body.  if i get up and move around, especially under the air, or a fan, i feel better. 
  • Posted

    I get burning sensation in my left side and move from my side to tummy. I get all this crazy stuff that going since i start this perimenpause last year in oct.
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      Hi kim,

      Just wondering if you still have the burning sensation,I'm in perimenapause and I started this 2 weeks ago

    • Posted

      What are you doing to help with the burning sensation around your skin and also how long have you had it for cuz mine started 2 weeks ago and it's driving me crazy

    • Posted

      Well i did nothing for it , it will ho away on its own its nothing you can do for it. The doctor did not want to put me on nothing because its bad side affect to the drug. I had it for a whole year

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