Tingling in fingertips
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Hello all,
So I am trying not to freak out (yes I have health anxiety) but I have tingling in my fingertips that comes and goes throughout the day - does anyone else experience this? I only take one med - omeprazole (it may be from the meds) just curious....
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donna38794 dane521
liggy42062 dane521
annieschaefer dane521
I used to and it used to scare me to no end. I even had an MRI to rule out anything sinister. Thankfully it was a negative.
I believe it has something to do with anxiety and haven't really had it happen much if at all this past year.
shaznay96184 dane521
I used to get a bit of that. Always when I was reading in bed, started with pain in my shoulders tracking down my left arm. Had to lift my arm up and flex my fingers till feeling returned.
Thought it was here to stay, until..........I discovered Menopace Original!! UK's most used vit/min supplement, apparently.
Within weeks my aches and joint pains were a million times Better.
I don't take any prescribed meds and only began the Menopace in Jan. Truth is, I was probably so depleted in all the vit/mins, so it would benefit somehow.
Also tried a bit of Bioidentical progesterone cream: that probably helped with aches. Not sure if I want to take this anymore tho, as not sure if its making me bleed regularly??
margaret04348 dane521
susan21149 dane521
arlene27752 dane521
brimbo67 dane521
dane521 brimbo67