Tingling legs

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I woke up this morning with a tingling feeling diwn the back of my legs...

I have read posts about this, my left knee is sore .i posted o how I was referred to a rheumatologist but I think I have already diagnosed myself, I have read on RA and I have every symptom and then some.

I am trying to stay positive but these new symptoms are worrrying me .

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Grace, Did your Dr already order you the ANA test?  Or refer you straight to a rheumatologist?  At the time I was getting checked for RA, my primary Dr ordered all the bloodwork, as the wait for a Rheumatologist was about 6 mo.  You should see if you can just have the bloodwork ordered before the referral...it will at least let you know where you are at.  🤞😊

    • Posted

      I'm not sure if she mentioned that one ..

      I was overwhelmed by all the abnormal results that I think I kind of spaced out, 

      I remember someone posting about her body feeling like a ping pong going on and that's exactly how I feel .. this pain keeps moving from one joint to another and now this tingling !!!

      I will call and find out  about ANA test.

      Thank you so much

  • Posted

    Hi again,  I had all the symptoms of RA and Lupus, Lyme, and every other auto immune disease ...especially the fatigue.  It is scary, but symptoms can mimic hundreds of different things.  Please try to not send yourself in a panic.  I was so pathetic, that I was actually upset when I didn’t have something bad.  I just wanted a label for what I was feeling.  Hang in there, the waiting game is the worst...gives us too much time to think! 
    • Posted

      Thanks Lou, did you ever find out what was causing your pain? Did it just go away?
  • Posted

    Hi Grace,  Mine is definitely hormones fluctuations, as I have been tested for everything, even MS(forgot that).  I still get pains here and there especially around my period ( whether or not one comes).  Sometimes I get a spike if pain in my knee/knees, never swollen though...again around my period.  The tingles come and go, but I’m on an AD now, so they’re not as noticeable.

      I went to a Integrative Dr also, when I thought I had Lyme.  She ran tons of bloodwork, including the Rheumatoid.  factor and ANA tests (which I had already had).  I never went back there, but, I ended up with 14 pages of bloodwork, just to ease my mind. 

     I once was told, by a doctor, she was “convinced” I had MS.  My anxiety went nuts for 4 months waiting for tests, neurologist.  I had thoughts of being wheelchair bound swimming in my head.  Didn’t have it.

    I hope this turns out to be nothing for you.  But, push your Dr to run additional blood work so you don’t make yourself sick with worry.

    • Posted

      Thank You Lou, I will  try and keep my mind busy on other things and try not to worry so much. As soon as I can get back in to see my Dr. I will ask more questions.
  • Posted

    Grace, have you been checked for Gout?  My dr just did that test last month. Uric acid test.  Just a thought, a Rheumatologist would check for that too...but your Dr can too.  Just a thought 😊

  • Posted

    Yes, I believe so...but so many ailments do!  Best to check with the doc...take good care!  🤞😊

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