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Hi has anyone had this sensation of tingling/needles like feeling all over their body but it moves around.I'm post meno and didnt know if this was part of it. Its a pretty weird feeling, it moves all around my body including face,its worse as the day goes on.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    i have tingling in my hands and feet at night, i notice when im lying in bed, something else new now tch, dont know if its related to perimeno or not, annoying though, i have dry dull hair, eyes and skin i look like ive aged 10 yers lately, trully depressing.


  • Posted

    Doctor have confirmed early signs of menopause. I started hot flashes last year.

    I do have the tingling and sharp pains shooting through my legs sometimes or my breast.

    Doctors said it also due to menopause stage.

    • Posted

      Yes! Pins & needles in hands & feet, sharp pains in breasts also 😩 is there anything else that can possibly hit! Surely not!x
    • Posted

      lol thats what i say. I just settle myself down thinking this is it im getting there,then boom up pops another problem.I have read up about it and its quite scary as it says it can be the start of MS.I must stop reading these thigs im sure they make me worse.
    • Posted

      Yes stop reading I did the same I read something about MS, omg I freaked myself out, I had to ask my mom if this is premanpause, she said yup!!! She had the same systoms and she 66 years old now. Internet is sometimes scary .
  • Posted

    yes I too get tingling and needls feeling on my hands, feet, and breast!!!! It's premanpause!!! My mom also had it at my age, I am 45 years old, your not alone !!!
  • Posted

    Hi trudy, yes i get them too, you just think that there can't be anything else and bingo, up pops this!!! Feel and look ancient, twitching and jumping as well as all the sweats, palpatations etc etc, just hope it goes soon otherwise i think i will need to be locked up haha lol. Stay wonderful, we are all in this together, xx


  • Posted

    I get these quite often and yes, you are right - it is very scary. Better stop reading about it. I already read a lot and freaked myself out.

    I still don't know for sure that it's peri, but I am really hoping it is.

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