Tingling sensations

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I seem to have been on this forum lots of times over the past week or two!!  Does anyone else get tingling sensations in their face/head?  Scares me and then I panic making myself feel worse !  Also what I can only describe as a 'fuzzy' head !

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Paula, I have the tingling sensation all over my body. It can pop up anywhere and usually I get electric shock like stabbing pains where the nerves are firing off. This can last for a few seconds or go on for hours depending on the time in my cycle it happens. Hope this info helps you. zXXX
    • Posted

      Yes it’s all very odd!!  I m not taking anything for all these symptoms-perhaps it’s time I did
    • Posted

      Yes I think maybe it is especially if it is in anyway interfering with you living a normal life! XXX
  • Posted

    Hello, yes I get the tingling feeling on my toes, since I turned 46 , i went too see a chiropractic because I had sciatic,it helped a little, but that’s three years ago and I still have that tingling going on more so when I no I am getting my period soon.
  • Posted

    Hi paula,

    I'm in perimenapause I had a burning sensation around my shoulders back in November I felt really weird I'm not sure what happened it went away then I started with fatigue dizzy still have fatigue I also have hashimoto thyroid but I think I'm hyperthyroidism I loose weight but then I'm hungry it's crazy I really wish this fatigue goes away I think between my perimenapause and thyroid there both causing me to feel fatigue 

  • Posted

    Yes I also get this . I find that when I go to my doctor they don’t seem to be listening. A doctor will just give you HRT and expect you not to bother them again. I don’t think there are enough doctors that understand what us women have to go through. 
    • Posted

      Hi Lisa, if that is how your dr behaves , I hate to say it, but find another dr. That attitude in this day and age is not acceptable. If your symptoms are affecting your quality of living, you are entitled to be taken seriously and every treatment avenue explored. DONT TAKE THIS LYING DOWN what is happening to you is not your fault or your choice and you have a right to be treated with respect by your dr. Hope things improve for you soon hun XXX

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