Tired and confused
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I am 50 but I am having horrible symptoms.Sometimes I feel perfectly fine but sometimes I suddenly feel upset.My heart starts beating fast.Loss of energy.Not feeling doing anything.I used to be a cheerful person but now a small thing in the family upsets me.I was diagonised with hypothyroid.I do take the medicine for it and multivitamins as well.I cant handle my family stress anymore.Get irritated easily followed by body pain.The anxiety thing is unbearable.I am a person who enjoys talking but now I prefer sitting alone watching TV or be on the computer.I am tired of it.
is menopause playing the trick or am losing my sanity.HELP!!!
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becky53379 swaran00
Hello, you are perfectly normal and you are not losing your sanity. I feel like you quite a bit. It is perimenopause and it is difficult! There are so many ladies on here going through the exact same thing. They are all so great and encouraging as well. Just keep reading different post and posting. You will feel better
I will be adding you to my prayer list. Take care of yourself and know that you are not alone.
colleen90305 becky53379
It wouldn't be so bad if we knew that this would only last a week, or two. I'm having a bad day. It's sunday, and I'm sitting on my couch with no energy, ambition, feeling down and no end in sight. This is a death sentence for some of us. I feel like we are losing precious time with this. I just took a 2 hr nap, but still feel no energy, or want to do anything. I even have a hard time going grocery shopping. I used to take better care of myself, but that is gone too. I can't believe how much hormones play a role in our mental health. I think this began in 2013, but seems to have progressively worsened with time. My periods have gotten lighter, so I'm lucky there. I just want my old self back again!
2chr2015 colleen90305
michelle46271 colleen90305
God I could have wrote this post. I'm feeling a bit better the last couple of days. I changed to the HRT gel 5 days ago x
colleen90305 becky53379
Hi Becky, how are you? I'm having a bad day! I never went to my reunion last nite. I can't take this anymore. I just sit around and avoid social engagements, and get nothing accomplished!
colleen90305 2chr2015
So sorry and I'm the same way. I don't have any children and it must be hard on all of you. My mom had hot flashes, no other symtoms. My sister is 50 and nothing. Not sure If she's even doing through the change yet. I feel like we are missing out on things. I used to do so much in a day, and don't do much now. My poor dog has to lay around too. I have to force myself to take her for a walk. This totally sucks the life out of us, doesn't it???
colleen90305 michelle46271
becky53379 colleen90305
Hi Colleen, im doing so so. Trying to force myself out to do things with my family. Im sorry your day is going bad. Maybe taking your dog to the corner and back might make you feel a little better. If not then brush her at home. Believe it or not even petting a dog is good therapy. We can only take baby steps through this. Dont beat yourself up about the reunion....only do what you feel that you can. Its ok! Im always praying for you
2chr2015 colleen90305
Yesss Colleen, it does. I have every other weird symptom BUT hot flashes. I'm sure they are coming though. I only made it to the gym twice last week...and trust me. It is not easy at all. I just keep telling myself, if all I do is walk 15 min on treadmill it's better than nothing. Then there are ladies a lot older than me buzzing all around me. Maybe they've already been thru this, but I wish I knew.
nuss999 swaran00
Hi, I too felt like this a few months ago, this is my relatively short journey...
December 2015 started Femoston 1/10 for 'brain fog/ anxiety/tearfulness etc.
March 2016 felt much better but still had symptoms so went on to Femoston 2/10.
In May I felt exactly how you do and found that during the Progesterone/Oestrogen part I was much worse. I decided to stop the HRT and take B6 , Starflower oil and Magnesium supplements (after reading about other women's experiences). I have regular B12 injections already.
On hindsight, I should have given it some time to kick in before stopping the HRT. Consequently , I had to re-start it on the lower dose but now find I'm getting awful 'pmt' , headaches , nausea and tiredness - again in the Progesterone/Oestrogen phase.
Rightly or wrongly, I'm going to wean myself off the HRT again. There is a lot said about 'delaying the inevitable' with HRT, and to be honest, if the supplements can curb the anxiety/mood problem , I can cope with all the rest.
This menopause carry on is soooo subjective and I hope you can find something that helps!
becky53379 nuss999
Hi do you think that the vitamin b6 is helping you? I thought about taking it to help with mood but havent tried it yet. I only take vitamin d3 right now. Hope your having a good day
nuss999 becky53379
I do think it has helped. I started off with 100mg , then upped it to 200mg. To be honest , I don't know what is helping. Starflower, B6 or HRT !!! I've had a dodgy day today and have had to take Kalms tablet. I do think that I'm struggling with progesterone . I halved my HRT tablet today and have not had the horrendous headache that I've had for the past week.
I don't know what has helped with my mood. Perhaps I needed the Oestrogen , but the Progesterone disagrees with me, hence the worsening of symptoms every few weeks ???
I don't know if a different form of Progesterone will help, but I'm going to continue with the Starflower and B6 , if it is that which has made the difference it has taken a few weeks to kick in , but I feel much better. It is so 'trial and error'. Try it and give it a few weeks - I'd stand on my head and whistle Dixie if I thought it would help....lol. Good luckx
becky53379 nuss999
Omgosh this has nothing to do with perimenopause but I want to share it with you. My Dad passed away it will be two years in September and I miss him so much....you just gave me a memory of him and I thank you! I would call him at times and ask what he was doing he would say "standing on my head whistling Dixie" and then he would start whistling lol! So try it....it might work lol! I know you didnt know that was personal to me when you said it....but you made my day!
bobbysgirl becky53379
Well as MY dad would say 'I'll go to the foot of our stairs!' Meaning - 'you don't say, that's amazing!'
becky53379 bobbysgirl
colleen90305 becky53379
becky53379 colleen90305
Thank you Colleen! We both got a nice memory today of our Dads
So glad that you went for a walk. Proud of you!
michelle46271 nuss999
nuss999 becky53379
Lost my dad 3 years ago and know how you feel. I'm in bed now thinking of both mam and dad and wishing they were here . Lost mam 26 years ago. It's times like now that you miss them most. Xx
nuss999 michelle46271
I got really 'pmt ' like and found my agitation and anxiety was worse. I've had really strange dreams too.......